New 2k 1k textures and Doom 3 models
Here is my testpack about texture improvement for Doomsday Engine.It's still WIP I have already added lot of 1k and 2k res textures and it works perfectly the doom 3 models from other addon too.
Here is my testpack about texture improvement for Doomsday Engine.It's still WIP I have already added lot of 1k and 2k res textures and it works perfectly the doom 3 models from other addon too.
here is the download link for my texture pack.New version!
It's odd, but there have been a number of different 'remakes' of Doom in D3 and all them never seem to get across what it would be like. Strangely, you've used all the D3 assets, but yours is the closest and succeeds the best in the 'what if' stakes, even though you are doing it the other way around!
but looks like doomsday crashes a lot with these improvements on models.Maybe these updates will be relased for new stable version of doomsday and the texture pack's updates too.