New Bug/Feature Tracker

edited 2013 Oct 19 in News
Since 2003 we have been using SourceForge's bug report and feature request trackers. However, they have never been particularly nice to use, so we've finally decided to migrate everything to our own issue tracker site that runs on a better platform for this purpose.

Thus we are introducing the new deng Bug and Feature Tracker! It runs on Redmine and we feel that it is a huge improvement over the old trackers. Here are some of the nice things about the new site:
  • The Roadmap will be automatically generated on the site based on features and bugs assigned to particular versions. We will no longer have to manually maintain the Roadmap page in the wiki.
  • You can see an overview of all activity in the tracker.
  • Many options for filtering issues to find what is relevant.
  • Calendar view for looking at things from a time perspective.
  • Right-click context menus for easily updating issue details.
  • Supports mobile apps (look for Redmine apps).
  • Extensible with plugins for our possible future needs.

Reclaiming your user account

While you are free to register a new account if you wish, all of the old bug reports have been attributed to user accounts created automatically based on the SourceForge user names found in the existing bug reports and feature requests. Here is how you can reclaim your existing, automatically migrated account.

All the migrated accounts have been given a randomized password. To reclaim your account, you’ll need to go to the new tracker's Lost Password page and enter your SourceForge email alias address. This is the address “(”. A password reset link will then be emailed to the entered address.

Note: Please check on SourceForge’s account settings that “Mail Alias Behavior” has been set to “Accept all mail”. Otherwise the reset link mail will not be delivered to you.

If you have any questions, problems or wish to supply a different email address for your existing account, please contact me at skyjake.code (at) gmail com and I will try to help you.

Next steps

At some point we will be integrating the new tracker into the main site, however due to technical difficulties this isn't doable presently. Existing user accounts will not be affected by the upcoming move, though.

The old trackers on SourceForge are now in read-only mode and will likely be ramped down completely in the future.


  • Congrats!

    Any idea of when this bug tracker will be linked on the main page?

    Also, I have a "Doomsday" folder in one of my email addresses, and I configured it so that any emails from would be sent to that folder (so any changes to any tickets of mine would be emailed to that folder, keeping my main inbox clean). Since SF is obviously no longer being used, are the email addresses that I need to filter out going to be skyjake.code (at) and danij.code (at)
  • Indeed, looking good. It is vastly faster than Sourceforge.

    May I ask if I can change my email and name from the Sourceforge related ones yet or is it too soon in development to do so?

    One thing that caught my eye with the new trackers, is that there seems to be no ‘creation date’ field in the lists for each 'issue' (a fine name for bugs, not so sure about features)? It means one has to open the issue to find out when it was created. In my opinion such a field would provide more information than a 'new' field.

    Obviously though, I don't know if there is an inbuilt feature for such or yourselves can/are willing to mod it.
  • Any idea of when this bug tracker will be linked on the main page?
    We'll be updating all the links in the near future.
    Since SF is obviously no longer being used, are the email addresses that I need to filter out going to be skyjake.code (at) and danij.code (at)
    All the tracker emails are currently being sent from my Gmail, i.e., skyjake.code (at)
    Vermil wrote:
    May I ask if I can change my email and name from the Sourceforge related ones yet or is it too soon in development to do so?
    Please do. Once you have control of your account, you can freely update your account information as you see fit, including contact email and first/last name.
    Vermil wrote:
    One thing that caught my eye with the new trackers, is that there seems to be no ‘creation date’ field in the lists for each 'issue' (a fine name for bugs, not so sure about features)?
    You can modify the list views for your needs:

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