Autoupdater not working in Ubuntu
I thought I'd try out the new stable release 1.12.0 so I hit 'upgrade' when doomsday's autoupdater popped up. It downloaded OK, but when it tried to install it segfaulted 
This is the last lines of the terminal output:
I tried checking the download dir but it didn't exist :-/
I'll try to download and upgrade manually instead. Let me know if I can provide more info on this issue.

This is the last lines of the terminal output:
Checking for available updates...
Found an update: 1.12.0 (Build 1006)
Canvas: Lost focus.
Download and install.
Downloading Engine/1.12.0/
doomsday_1.12.0-build1006_amd64.deb/download, saving as: /home/XXXX/.cache/Deng Team/
Doomsday Engine/download
Canvas: Gained focus.
^ : Lost focus.
Download: Redirected to: Engine/
^ : Downloading Engine/1.12.0/
doomsday_1.12.0-build1006_amd64.deb?r=&ts=1381670964&use_mirror=garr, saving as: /
home/XXXX/.cache/Deng Team/Doomsday Engine/doomsday_1.12.0-build1006_amd64.deb
^ : Redirected to: Engine/1.12.0/
^ : Downloading Engine/1.12.0/
doomsday_1.12.0-build1006_amd64.deb, saving as: /home/XXXX/.cache/Deng Team/Doomsday
Segmentfejl (core dumped)
I tried checking the download dir but it didn't exist :-/
I'll try to download and upgrade manually instead. Let me know if I can provide more info on this issue.
Note that you can always add one of the Doomsday repositories to your APT sources and get updates that way. In this scenario, you could just disable the runtime update checks.
APT source to add is:
Change "stable" to "unstable" to get unstable/candidate builds.
The packages are signed with my key:
And while I have the opportunity, I'd like to thank you for the greatest Doom source-port i ever tried =D>