Problems with playing the game
Hi, it's me again Dx
My friend is having some problems playing the game on the Doomsday Engine. I'm not really sure about how he did the stuff but I'll try to tell everything I know that he did and later I'll direct him to this topic to keep on giving info.
This happens not only with 6.6, which I told him to download recently, but also 6.5 and beta6.
What happens is, he can start the game and all through DD Engine, but when he tries to start a new game (i.e. moves to a map), he gets a Segmentation Violation error and DD closes.
This is his doomsday.out:
Thank you very much.
My friend is having some problems playing the game on the Doomsday Engine. I'm not really sure about how he did the stuff but I'll try to tell everything I know that he did and later I'll direct him to this topic to keep on giving info.
This happens not only with 6.6, which I told him to download recently, but also 6.5 and beta6.
What happens is, he can start the game and all through DD Engine, but when he tries to start a new game (i.e. moves to a map), he gets a Segmentation Violation error and DD closes.
This is his doomsday.out:
Z_Create: New 32.0 MB memory volume.
Con_Init: Initializing the console.
Executable: Version 1.9.0-beta6 Feb 25 2009 (DGL).
Sys_InitWindowManager: Using Win32 window management.
Z_Create: New 32.0 MB memory volume.
createContext: OpenGL.
OpenGL information:
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce4 MX 4000/AGP/SSE/3DNOW!
Version: 1.5.7
GLU Version: Microsoft Corporation
Available Texture units: 2
Maximum Texture Size: 2048
Variable Texture Anisotropy Unavailable.
Line Width Granularity: 0.1
Line Width Range: 0.5...10.0
GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_paletted_texture
Extensions (WGL):
WGL_ARB_buffer_region WGL_ARB_extensions_string
WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_pbuffer
WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_render_texture
WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control
DGL Configuration:
NPOT Textures: Disabled
Texture Compression: Enabled
Variable Texture Anisotropy: Disabled
Utilized Texture Units: 2
Multisampling: DisabledcreateContext: OpenGL.
GL_Init: Initializing Doomsday Graphics Library.
Multitexturing enabled (partial).
Sys_Init: Setting up machine state.
Sys_Init: Initializing keyboard, mouse and joystick.
Sys_InitMixer: SoundMAX Digital Audio
Driver: DirectSound
DS_Init(DirectSound): EAX couldn't be initialized. [Result = 0x80004005]
DSP: None
Sfx_Init: Initializing...
Sfx_InitChannels: 16 channels.
S_Init: OK.
Parsing configuration files.
W_Init: Init WADfiles.
W_AddFile: data\doomsday.pk3
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\jhexen.pk3
W_AddFile: D:\Hexen\HEXEN.WAD
IWAD identification: 014ed52e
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\armslot1.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\armslot2.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\armslot3.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\armslot4.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\chain.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\chain2.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\chain3.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\fonta59.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\fonta60.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\fonta61.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\fonta62.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\fonta63.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\fontb59.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\fontb60.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\fontb61.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\fontb62.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\fontb63.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\keyslot1.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\keyslot2.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\keyslot3.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\keyslot4.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\keyslot5.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\keyslot6.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\keyslot7.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\keyslot8.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\keyslot9.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\keyslota.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\keyslotb.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegem.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmc1.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmc2.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmc3.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmc4.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmc5.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmc6.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmc7.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmc8.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmf2.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmf3.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmf4.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmf5.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmf6.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmf7.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmf8.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmm1.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmm2.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmm3.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmm4.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmm5.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmm6.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmm7.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\lifegmm8.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\mapmask.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\menufog.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\pal18to8.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\travlpic.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\wpfull0.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\wpfull1.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\wpfull2.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\wpiecec1.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\wpiecec2.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\wpiecec3.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\wpiecef1.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\wpiecef2.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\wpiecef3.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\wpiecem1.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\wpiecem2.lmp
W_AddFile: data\jhexen\auto\.basedata\wpiecem3.lmp
Reading definition file: defs\doomsday.ded
Reading definition file: defs\jhexen\jhexen.ded
300 sprite names
2848 states
400 things
62 lights
245 sound effects
39 songs
156 text strings
13 surface decorations
30 surface materials
9 finales
B_Init: Init bindings.
Binding 2 created.
Binding 4 created.
Binding 6 created.
Binding 8 created.
Binding 9 created.
Binding 10 created.
Binding 11 created.
Binding 13 created.
Binding 14 created.
Binding 15 created.
Binding 16 created.
Binding 18 created.
Binding 19 created.
Binding 20 created.
Binding 21 created.
Binding 22 created.
Binding 23 created.
Binding 25 created.
Binding 26 created.
Binding 28 created.
Binding 29 created.
Binding 30 created.
Binding 31 created.
Binding 32 created.
Binding 33 created.
Binding 34 created.
Binding 35 created.
Binding 36 created.
Binding 37 created.
Binding 38 created.
Binding 39 created.
Binding 40 created.
Binding 41 created.
Binding 42 created.
Binding 43 created.
Binding 44 created.
Binding 45 created.
Binding 46 created.
Binding 47 created.
Binding 48 created.
Binding 49 created.
Binding 50 created.
Binding 51 created.
Binding 52 created.
Binding 53 created.
Binding 54 created.
Binding 55 created.
Binding 56 created.
Binding 57 created.
Binding 58 created.
Binding 59 created.
Binding 60 created.
Binding 61 created.
Binding 62 created.
Binding 63 created.
Binding 64 created.
Binding 65 created.
Binding 66 created.
Binding 67 created.
Binding 68 created.
Binding 69 created.
Binding 70 created.
Binding 71 created.
Binding 72 created.
Binding 73 created.
Binding 74 created.
Binding 75 created.
Binding 76 created.
Binding 77 created.
Binding 78 created.
Binding 80 created.
Binding 81 created.
Binding 82 created.
Binding 83 created.
Binding 84 created.
Binding 86 created.
Binding 87 created.
Binding 88 created.
Binding 89 created.
Binding 91 created.
Binding 92 created.
Binding 93 created.
Binding 94 created.
Binding 95 created.
Binding 96 created.
Binding 97 created.
Binding 98 created.
Binding 99 created.
Binding 100 created.
Binding 101 created.
Binding 102 created.
Binding 103 created.
Binding 104 created.
Binding 105 created.
Binding 106 created.
Binding 107 created.
Binding 108 created.
Binding 109 created.
Binding 110 created.
Binding 111 created.
Binding 112 created.
Binding 113 created.
Binding 114 created.
Binding 115 created.
Binding 116 created.
Binding 117 created.
Binding 118 created.
Binding 119 created.
Binding 120 created.
Binding 121 created.
Binding 122 created.
Binding 123 created.
Binding 124 created.
Binding 125 created.
Binding 126 created.
Binding 127 created.
Binding 128 created.
Binding 129 created.
Binding 130 created.
Binding 131 created.
Binding 132 created.
Binding 133 created.
Binding 134 created.
Binding 135 created.
Binding 136 created.
Binding 137 created.
Binding 138 created.
Binding 139 created.
Binding 140 created.
R_Init: Init the refresh daemon.
R_InitModels: Initializing MD2 models.
R_InitModels: Done in 0.00 seconds.
Net_InitGame: Initializing game data.
R_InitRefresh: Loading data for referesh.
P_Init: Init Playloop state.
P_InitTerrainTypes: Material 'X_005' linked to terrain type 'Water'.
P_InitTerrainTypes: Material 'X_001' linked to terrain type 'Lava'.
P_InitTerrainTypes: Material 'X_009' linked to terrain type 'Sludge'.
P_InitTerrainTypes: Material 'F_033' linked to terrain type 'Ice'.
Hu_LoadData: Setting up heads up display.
ST_Init: Init status bar.
Hu_MenuInit: Init miscellaneous info.
AM_Init: Init automap.
Parsing SNDINFO...
SN_InitSequenceScript: Registering sound sequences.
P_LoadMap: "MAP01"
convertMap: Attempting conversion of "MAP01".
WadMapConverter::Convert: Attempting map conversion...
WadMapConverter::Convert: Hexen map format.
Linedef #1116 seems to be a One-Sided Window (back faces sector #302).
Linedef #1471 seems to be a One-Sided Window (back faces sector #291).
HEdge list for leaf #06F905F8 is not closed (1 gaps, 1 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #06F90608 is not closed (1 gaps, 1 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #0701BCD0 is not closed (1 gaps, 1 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #07019A20 is not closed (1 gaps, 1 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #07014E98 is not closed (1 gaps, 1 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #07014F40 is not closed (1 gaps, 1 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #0703E988 is not closed (1 gaps, 4 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #0703E9B0 is not closed (1 gaps, 1 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #0703E9D8 is not closed (1 gaps, 1 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #0703EAD8 is not closed (1 gaps, 1 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #0703EB00 is not closed (1 gaps, 1 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #0703E548 is not closed (1 gaps, 2 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #0702F700 is not closed (1 gaps, 6 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #0702F780 is not closed (1 gaps, 1 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #0702F7A8 is not closed (1 gaps, 1 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #06FE3448 is not closed (1 gaps, 1 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #07023B00 is not closed (1 gaps, 1 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #07023BA8 is not closed (1 gaps, 1 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #0702F910 is not closed (1 gaps, 2 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #06FCFA60 is not closed (1 gaps, 3 half-edges)
HEdge list for leaf #06F81948 is not closed (2 gaps, 2 half-edges)
BSP_Build: Built 1037 Nodes, 1038 Subsectors, 5124 Segs, 2254 Vertexes
Balance +8 (l28 - r20).
Build subsector tables...
Sector #69 is unclosed near (-2090.8,976.0)
Sector #174 is unclosed near (-824.4,-608.0)
Sector #68 is unclosed near (-2496.0,1493.5)
Sector #296 is unclosed near (-2182.3,2035.3)
Build line tables...
convertMap: Successful.
R_InitLinks: Initializing
PO_InitForMap: Initializing polyobjects.
Load ACS scripts
Segmentation Violation
Thank you very much.

Secondly, tell him to download and install the latest video drivers from nvidia for his graphics card. He can get them here:
I think version 93.71 were the last supported drivers for that video card.
Thirdly, if he's still getting an error then please post the doomsday.out again but from version 6.6 of Doomsday.