
edited 2014 May 26 in Technical Support
Whenever I start a game in doomsday engine this message always appears:

"App init failed:
[CreateDirError] (DirectoryFeed::createDir) Could not create: C:\Users\David Munks?"

Please help


  • The question mark at the end of that directory suggests some character encoding issues in the libdeng2 filesystem. Which OS are you using (Windows X?) and what's your current system language?
  • I have this same issue. After starting a game session (in doomsday shell) I get the following error:
    App init failed:
    [CreateDirError](DirectoryFeed::createDir) Could not create: C:\Users\P?ter

    This is on Windows 8. I used my Microsoft account to create a new user, and Windows created a "Péter" directory for my user. Also my system language is Hungarian.
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