Update for Doomsday 1.11
There is now a patch available for the latest stable version 1.11 that improves stability and fixes some incorrect behavior.
- All Games: Random crash when binding controls in the Controls menu (64-bit only)
- Check for OpenGL 2.0 or later at startup (use -noglcheck to skip)
- Console: Don't scroll through entire log when first opening message history
- Server: Transmission of malformed DT_SIDE deltas (fixes "material y-axis pegging" in multiplayer)
- All Games: Cheats not functional in multiplayer
- All Games: Finales should play after intermission (e.g., Doom2 map30)
- All Games: "HUD Display" menu item was not linked to its cvar (map-huddisplay)
- Heretic: Time bomb spawned at incorrect height, improved look of explosion
- Heretic|Hexen: ctl-inventory-use-next correctly wraps around the inventory
- Heretic|Hexen: Additional default control bindings for WASD setup
- Renderer: 300 different textures are now supported for use with particle effects (up from 32)
Is there going to be a second patch release to cover the stuff not finished on the to-do list? I was looking forward to some of those fixes, most notably the Icon of Sin stuff.
It is described here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1453#p9593 but after the topic in the link I posted concluded, I saw it listed in the to-do list and had the symbol next to it as being 'done'.
When I get there I only see rows and rows of phrases just not found the download ...
, please help really appreciate it
signed by: Gabriel Nascimento(Birth)
Location: Brazil