About playing multiplayer
So, I tried to play with a friend through the use of Hamachi (we couldn't get the match to be listed on the master server unfortunately), so we used our Hamachi ID to set up our connection (this already worked with Unreal Tournament 2004, laggy but it worked). However, when I tried to connect to his hosted game (or he connect to my game), we would get an error message, which unfortunately I kind of forgot now. I remember it had a function about something like SendDataBufferReliably or something like that, and it said something about trying to send 4l when it's supposed to send 2l, or something to that effect. Unfortunately I couldn't find that message in any log here so I'm afraid I'll have to wait until my friend returns to get this message again.
Is it supposed to be buggy like that and will MP will only be fully implemented on a later release? If so, what release you plan on releasing it on, and do you have plans to release it still this year?
If it's gonna take a little bit too long to make my friend impatient, then which version is the latest one with working multiplayer? I tried checking out 1.8.6 but I found it somewhat... primitive... I mean I couldn't set a key for using items so I was stuck with enter ^^ had a hard time with chaos serpents.
Is it supposed to be buggy like that and will MP will only be fully implemented on a later release? If so, what release you plan on releasing it on, and do you have plans to release it still this year?
If it's gonna take a little bit too long to make my friend impatient, then which version is the latest one with working multiplayer? I tried checking out 1.8.6 but I found it somewhat... primitive... I mean I couldn't set a key for using items so I was stuck with enter ^^ had a hard time with chaos serpents.
the error message reads like this:
1 server has been found.
Name: P/M L Ver: Game: Location:
0 : Doomsday 1/2 10900 jhexen 1.3.3 :13209
MAP01 (HEXEN.WAD:14ed52e) p:0ms Multi
hexen skill3 coop jump
Players: th
N_InitService: In/out UDP port 13209.
N_SendDataBufferReliably: Tried to send 4l bytes (max pkt size 2l).
It appears instantly after the connection attempt. We have tried the latest version (1.9.0 beta 6.6) as well as some of the earlier 1.9 and 1.8 releases and have absolutely no idea how to solve this
1.9.0 Beta 6.6 has unfinished multiplayer support as it's in the middle of an overhaul. Beta 7 will be comming later in the year hopefully which should have the brand new re-written Server-Client framework last I heard. So stay tuned for your cross-world Doomsday fix soon
Even though you CAN play multiplayer coop on 1.8.6, you cannot save on multiplayer because it gives some random error.
I've downloaded Skulltag and tried to get the hang of it, it seems easy enough to get going, what's the difference between Skulltag and Doom Legacy so I can decide which one I'm gonna use with my friends?
i had bad experiences with skulltag. Horrible lag and crashing. But its been months since i last tried it. Just try both and decide for yourself i think is the best
The reason it was permissible for Doom to have such small and blocky sprites and 128-pixel textures is 'cause it was originally run in 320x200
I dont know what everyone else thinks, and maybe its my hyper analytical mind, but the doom engines feel different to me even tho i have no idea of their tech/internal differences (cant be THAT much, right?). Legacy was always my favorite (yes i tried them all on doomworld.com) until jDoom came along
And thats my story. Thank you for listening lol. Damn my off-topic rants!
I'm Vermil and I'm a Doomaholic.
Well I just bumped this thread with another off-topic statement... damn you all to Mars! I mean Phobos! I mean Deimos!