Monster are not replaced by their respective 3D models
Hi all! 
I recently installed the latest version of doomsday engine, the 1.10.3 and it works very well, except for one thing: all monsters except the Ettin that are correct, are not replaced by their respective 3D models.
They are as in the original game under DOS without the corresponding 3D model.
For the rest, everything works fine: artifacts, objects, textures, hud and everything else.
Only monsters except Ettin are not replaced by their 3d models.
I installed in the addons, the Jhexen resource pack ver.1.0 20070504, but I tried also with other, as with the jXRP-XCCP.box1 downloaded by ModDB, but nothing changes.
Do you know how to fix it?
Thank you all!
I wanted to add that all the monsters are correctly flagged in the "addons" on the main screen of the game.

I recently installed the latest version of doomsday engine, the 1.10.3 and it works very well, except for one thing: all monsters except the Ettin that are correct, are not replaced by their respective 3D models.
They are as in the original game under DOS without the corresponding 3D model.
For the rest, everything works fine: artifacts, objects, textures, hud and everything else.
Only monsters except Ettin are not replaced by their 3d models.
I installed in the addons, the Jhexen resource pack ver.1.0 20070504, but I tried also with other, as with the jXRP-XCCP.box1 downloaded by ModDB, but nothing changes.
Do you know how to fix it?
Thank you all!
I wanted to add that all the monsters are correctly flagged in the "addons" on the main screen of the game.
here you can find an updated version which works 100% in the newest doomsday builds:
its not split as a box but instead just a single pk3, but everything in it is fixed so they work correctly in newest DE builds
I downloaded and extracted the JXCCP1.23 and then I put it in \snowberry\ addons, but in the tab "addon" in the main game screen does not show.
I clicked on "+" sign and I did point to the directory "Program Files (x86)\ Doomsday\snowberry\addons\jXCCP_123", but nothing appears.
Btw in the pack there's not a single PK3 file, but an whole directory called jXCCP_123.
It is correct as I did?
Thank you again.
You will need to rename the jXCCP123.Zip file to jXCCP123.pk3 then Snowberry will recognize it. However, I have been unable to get any of the latest 900 builds to run it without giving me a segmentation violation error. For what it is worth, build 857 seems to run everything I have (including rain) just fine. I am sure that Skyjake and Danij will eventually get around to fixing this.
Let us know if it works, if it does work for you on one of the 900 numbered builds then I will have to reexamine my system to see why it does not work on it.
It's just rename the file from zip to pk3, and it has been recognized perfectly.
I'm currently using version 1.10.3 build 869 of Doomsday engine and apart some lag, so far has not given me crash problems.
I just arrived at the level of "guardian of ice."
However this resource pack has great graphics and excellent visual effects with artifacts, beautifully redesigned, and monsters.
In particular, are very beautiful the little stars that appear when you walk on an artifact.
I will tell you if the version give problems.
For now, thank you.
For example, in the main hub "seven portal" when I look in the center of the square, towards the central tower, the frame rate drops to 62-57 Hz from 85 Hz (i've a crt monitor), whereas looking inside the portals or in the levels indoors, this doesn't happen.
It only happens with the new resource pack JXCCP1.23, while with the old one JXCCP.pk3, this doesn't happen.
I do not think it depends by the computer, because it is a I5 3570K with Geforce 560 Ti and 8 GB of RAM DDR3 1600.
Do you know what could be the problem?
Thanks and sorry.
I have one question and it's really a stupid one that I feel foolish even asking. Is it me or does the console activation key not work in this version? For some bizarre reason it won't allow me to assign it a hotkey. I'm assuming it's me
There will be a better GUI of some sort for configuring the keys/other controls eventually.