Doomsday 1.10 Released
The stable version 1.10 (build 823) is now available.
The most prominent changes in version 1.10 are about improving multiplayer: there is now a new utility called Shell for operating servers and several multiplayer-related bugs have been fixed.
However, even more work has been done under the hood: we've been building the foundations of our next-generation UI framework and enhancing the management of surface materials in preparation for future work on the map renderer. Also, in this release we've completed a couple of important long-term roadmap items: the multiplayer server is now its own independent executable and we've cleaned up the runtime public interfaces of the engine.
Prompted by the accelerating speed of development and how impactful the changes have been recently, in this release we bump the minor version number for the first time in many years.
The most prominent changes in version 1.10 are about improving multiplayer: there is now a new utility called Shell for operating servers and several multiplayer-related bugs have been fixed.
However, even more work has been done under the hood: we've been building the foundations of our next-generation UI framework and enhancing the management of surface materials in preparation for future work on the map renderer. Also, in this release we've completed a couple of important long-term roadmap items: the multiplayer server is now its own independent executable and we've cleaned up the runtime public interfaces of the engine.
Prompted by the accelerating speed of development and how impactful the changes have been recently, in this release we bump the minor version number for the first time in many years.
- See the release notes for more information about what has changed since 1.9.10.
- When you encounter bugs please use the Bug Tracker.
- Downloads and other links are available on the front page.
I would like to ask - when do you plan to repair sky fog work? And one more thing, last 10 years I'm used diamond crosshair - if possible, bring it back please.
The diamond crosshair was made redundant now that one can simply rotate the square crosshair to achieve the same result. Consequently the diamond was removed.
About Sky fog. For me it looks like this: ... 141_XL.jpg ... 391_XL.jpg ... 95a_XL.jpg ... 6a3_XL.jpg
I can see it from Doomsday 1.9 beta 6.9 and higher and thought - it was a known issue. Maybe it's only my system configuration problem?
I have seen it as soon as launched 1.9 beta 6.9 in 2010, because I always use the fog in the game. The latest version, in which fog work fine for me - 1.9 beta 6.8. It is strange that nobody noticed it, if it really is not just only my problem. No one uses the fog? I can not play without it!
But of course, this may not be a priority problem now.