Fiddling 'round with the jDRP
So I'm bored as of late, and I would like y'all to know that I'm currently doodling around with the jDRP models, and I'd like to know a few things:
1 - Can I use GLSL Shaders (mainly Bumpmaps, specularity maps, and the like) and have them actually work?
2 - Is there a texture size limit (I'm thinking 2048x2048) or is there some way to use external?
3 - How would I mess with particles (like muzzle flares, kinda like a fireball)?
4 - Is anybody willing to test these to see if they work (my video card will be 11 yrs. old in a little bit, and it won't run any of this crap)?
1 - Can I use GLSL Shaders (mainly Bumpmaps, specularity maps, and the like) and have them actually work?
2 - Is there a texture size limit (I'm thinking 2048x2048) or is there some way to use external?
3 - How would I mess with particles (like muzzle flares, kinda like a fireball)?
4 - Is anybody willing to test these to see if they work (my video card will be 11 yrs. old in a little bit, and it won't run any of this crap)?
1 - Sadly, that's not there yet... I believe it should be possible for the upcoming "new world renderer" for Deng 2.0 - I guess you'll have to tough it out and wait, though...
2 - I think it's limited by your hardware, as that's a graphics option
3 - On the documentation page, click the tab "References", and then go to "Definitions". On the next page there should be a "Generators" link amidst the documentation there, and that's where you'll find information and examples for particle generators.
4 - I think more people here are willing to play with the stuff than work on the stuff(no shaming intended), so I don't see why not!
1 - As said, not until post Deng 2.0 when the new graphics engine is finished. That is at least a year away
2 - Doomsday provides command-line over-rides, but yes the default for Deng is "By hardware". 2048x2048 is a safe value to work with I think, although my 9600GT supports 4096x4096.
3 - Already answered
4 - Here's one, pick me!
You finished an Ammo Clip? =D> I hope you're not comparing to jDRP 1.01 though. The jDRP 1.1 Alpha, although incomplete, has GREAT models for the items and it'd be hard to improve on them in my personal opinion... looking forward to see what you do (and please, don't be shy on the screenshots)
Anywho, I really didn't get anything done yesterday, I got distracted by a Tom & Jerry marathon
...ok maybe not THAT bad. But still, they just... don't fit. The items and projectiles though are very nice. I spent about 10 minutes examining and playing with the simple perfection of AmmoBox that DaniJ made into jDRP 1.1... yet I still know absolutely nothing about them
Not to worry hellrazor, we're not keeping you on the clock haha! Just be sure to share some samples if you end up getting something nice done.
And remember kids - have fun.
...except for the zombies!
It kind of sucks, 'cause DaniJ did decent head skins for them, but the models themselves blow and so the skins don't look right and the zombies look retarded
Pinky actually has a nice model I thought though. And the skins are definately good. It's only the monsters I have a quarrel with though, the weapons would be my next complaint (Pistol and Shotgun look crap, Chaingun not bad, Plasma Rifle COOOOL)
I'm being picky and ungrateful. I can't do anything! They are all good, sorry original model creators - don't be sad! I could see myself hand-drawing all the weapon sprites in high-resolution though...
I was refering to the physical walk/move animations on the models aswell, but yes - the linear-fashion of their movement tracks is wierd - especially when their heads and arms dont flow or roll with their weight distribution as they turn and such.
Things like that are complicated.
In regards to AI, all it'd need is some random pathfinding logic chucked in there (easier said than done) but even then, how would that work with such simple map designs... there isn't really a point.
Idle animations? Variable speed/sprinting and dashing? Leaping Imps, Zombies tripping and blowing their own head off? All that would be awesome, but it's definately post-Deng2 stuff. Regardless, no harm in talking about it
EDIT: I think all current Doom engine ports/remakes, including Z, still use the 8-pointed compass method for alignment and can't go between them. So they either move North, West, or North-West. No North-North-West or whatever.
Speaking of models and monsters, will Doomsday ever increase the monster limit beyond 16 or whatever it is set at by default so fan-made wads can use more monsters, and will these monsters ever be converted to their own models? That would increase the fun factor of Doom. I think I read that ZDoom has an increased monster limit, but they are only sprites. That is probably one reason why Eternal IV only works with ZDoom and not Doomsday. Also, I always got tired of how the final boss in wads was always the Icon of Sin, and if more monsters were allowed and converted into models, their could be a whole new boss or bosses for wads and it would feel like it could be a sequel. TNT should have done that. It would have improved the addon to Doom II.
You hear these fan made wads' storylines talk about the leaders of hell, like Eternal did, but you never get to fight them, as far as I know. That would be too good to be true. It's better to have a wad's final level have no real boss than that blasted Icon of Sin or monster spitter all the time, if those were the only 2 choices.
I also wish they would have made Doom III more like a real continuation of Doom II with the same gameplay, like Doom 64 was, kind of, though doom 64 seems like a boring canon, if it was canon. Nothing beats pc versions of Doom since they are handicapped and limited like the console versions of Doom are and the pc versions can have levels and graphics added.
Maybe I'm the only one who has mentioned it on a forum about increasing monster limits and creating fan-made models for new monsters. I'm surprised it was never done or even considered. Strange that a source port for a game I play called Freespace 2 has many fan-made ship models that are not based on the retail game's models, but are created for fan-made campaigns (the equivilent of a wad with multiple levels in Doom) but Doom ports have never made fan-made monster models that aren't based on the retail game.
I'm just one of the retro gamers who appreciates the artistry that goes into sprites. By comparison, it's easier for the average person to make a good looking sprite than to make a crap looking model. Regardless, me mentioning sprites was an off-topic rant - models are definately the future.
I'm pretty sure that's not hard-coded in Doomsday, but in the jPlugins themselves. Maybe not right now being an incomplete pre-release of Deng2, but it's only a matter of time until more and more things move from the core code to the jDoom (or whatever) plugin.
I quite liked Doom III. It was a decent effort at an IP reboot, although it should of been more faithful to the original.... and the expansion should of been a complete reboot of Doom II.
I would agree- if I could actually name a single new monster. That kind of thing would be up to the Mod Creators, and if they are making their Mod for Doomsday, wouldn't it?
I reckon it could be because making Spaceship models I imagine is about a billion times easier. Make a triangular block, add some Greebles and Guns, look i've got an Imperial Destroyer! You wouldnt even need to texture it - just make it gray and add some unified shadows/lighting :P Ships also don't have to worry about Skeletal Animation at all as they are generally inanimate, static blocks.
You raise a good point though, I think I know what you mean. If I do, I think i'll add that Deng is probably a little too immature and "underground" even to have talented modellers flying in left-right-and-center (considering we can't even make a legitimate standalone game with it legally yet too).
Fear not though, we do have Psychikon
I too kind of liked the old-fashioned age-of-space design, but aren't some of the ideas in the new Doom more contemporary and well thought out?
Well, it's probably the same reason why people who mod for MUGEN don't think up actual original characters (for the most part)... They'll rip the sprites from a known character, change the palette, and maybe mess with the moves a little, and then they've got a new character.
Who, me?! :-O
At this time we have no plans (nor desire truth be told) to start introducing half of Zdoom's feature set into Doomsday so that maps such as this can be played. I only introduced support for loading DOOM-In-Hexen format maps a) to alleviate widespread confusion when attempting to load a "DOOM mod" without caring/knowing about port-specific (in)compatibilities and witnessing the engine crash (implementing a form of heuristic analysis to reliably determine compatibility would be a large undertaking given the number of ways in which the various ports have shoe-horned their feature additions into the existing map formats) b) it was trivial to implement basic support.
First off, of course you'd start the thing definition for the new monster. Then, in the attack state, you would put it as a missile attack. You would then have the according states for the monster, but for the newly-created object for the flame thrower, it would be shot once (with the proper flag) every time there was an attack frame with the flag set. So then, you would want to make a few states successively for the attack, one tic each. This would give the effect of a bunch of flames coming out. The sprite could be done away with and perhaps a generator could be in place to make it look like you were getting shot at with flame particles. The railgun might be a little different... I'm pretty sure that in Vanilla doom, if a projectile goes faster than 45, you start to get errors. I don't know if these would happen in Doomsday, given the way that the engine runs. I don't know enough about it... I don't know if you could make a bullet-type shot with a lot of damage like a true railgun.
However you are limited to the original games actions (player weapon and bad guy attacks etc). Similarilly things like item drops are still tied to certain mobj ID's like they were in the original game.
As for weapons, Dday doesn't support adding additional weapons, only replacing existing ones and, as mentioned you can only have the games original player weapon actions to use.
Dday's mobj and weapon editing is, largely, Dehacked without the fixed table lengths.
Anyways, are the frame speeds in .md2s set, or is there some magic way to make them go faster (so I can have more)?
I've also fixed up the resolution on the Cyberdemon texture, it's kinda blurry at the moment, but I'll be adding some definition to it in a little bit.
I thought Doom 3 wasn't half bad, I just wish you could hold your flashlight at the same time as your pistol (cop-style). And they could have had the old caco if they had the pain elemental as the new caco. The new caco looked more like the old PE anyaways.
The only real thing I didn't like about Doom 3 is how it didn't really play like the old Dooms, I always seemed to be going really slow turn-by-turn in Doom 3, where in the old Dooms I'd be hauling through corridors balls-out and shooting at everything that looked at me the wrong way.
Sadly, Doom 4 is said to be neither a sequel to Doom 3 nor a reload. But maybe this is good since the only other option could be a real sequel to Doom II. Maybe they got too many complaints about its gamplay and are making a real sequel to Doom II.
Sadly, Doom 4 is said to be neither a sequel to Doom 3 nor a reload. But maybe this is good since the only other option could be a real sequel to Doom II. Maybe they got too many complaints about its gamplay and are making a real sequel to Doom II.
Eternal IV is a simple example of a ZDoom-only mod, but I prefer to look at Action Doom II which is a full freeware, standalone game. But how many things are there in ZDoom that can't be done in Doomsday DED's? I.e. If someone was to try and 'port' Eternal IV or Action Doom II to Doomsday, what specific things would be impossible to code in...? In the case of Action Doom II I think it has core code changes so maybe skip trying to compare that.
Although the two engines share ancestral heritage, in reality they are proverbial chalk and cheese. If it were possible to support all of ZDoom's features easily, unobtrusively and without needing to continuously track future ZDoom development; then perhaps we might consider doing just that.
However we have our own plans for the engine and where we want to take it.
I couldn't imagine the pulling back and forth there would be over a big group project like that, but then again, adapting one other port's features might not be all too bad as long as the developers could work together on it. That is to say, rather than trying to ride on another port's coattails, you know what I mean? Maybe not the right expression...
That said, because of the rewrite, Doomsday is currently not even remotely in ZDoom's league as far modding features go. The rewrite has caused Doomsday to fall a long long way behind other ports in modding features.
Ummm.... mediafire hates me at the moment, and the "Upload Attachment" (on this site) thing says that it can't load files bigger than 256 k.......
We are happy to host Doomsday related downloads at on request provided they meet certain criteria... which I haven't yet gotten around to documenting. The main restriction is no copyrighted material which the author(s) do not have the right to distribute. There is a caveat to this rule; we allow such materials if and only if they are derivative works of material(s) from a game which can be played with the Doomsday engine and the package can only be used usefully with that same game (without modification).