Suddenly can't type in doomsday-server cmd box?
I usually play the latest stable version of Doom daily and yet yesterday when I tried to play, I cannot type into the dedicated-server cmd box I use for LAN CO-OP to setmap when I wish to change maps. If there is a way to change maps from the console as a player then I could bypass needing the command-line box. Is there a reason why this might suddenly have stopped working?
On the client, you should be able to use the "login" command in the console so you can enter console commands on the server. "logout" is then needed to return the console to the local client mode.
Note that in the latest unstable builds, servers no longer support input from the user but instead need to be controlled with the Doomsday Shell application.
I recently discovered a bug with login+setmap, though (which will now be fixed in the unstable builds) that might explain some of the odd behavior.