Wallrunning in Doomsday?

edited 2013 Feb 14 in General
I was just experimenting on some jumping distances and then came across some wall running. At first it seemed to work in any direction, but later when I added some more stuff into the level, I could only wallrun north/south. East/west direction was a bit difficult even when it did seem to work.. half the time I got "stuck" in the wall instead. Should the wall running even work in all directions?

I did try those two compatibility options related to it when I noticed east/west no longer working, but that didn't seem to change anything... Then I also tried moving the level closer to 0, 0 point in the level area, but that didn't have any effect either.


  • This is probably a result of the recent changes to player collision detection which now uses floating point precision. DOOM's kludgy wall running logic is most probably incompatible with it. In the original game wall running only works in certain directions.
  • Wallrunning in all directions would be far more awesome than only North/East, however.
  • Dday plans to offer both faithful (i.e as close to Vanilla Doom as possible) and modern options for player movement.

    I assume many parts of both will be controlled by evars, so one might be able to mix and match certain elements as well.
  • Yea, it would be interesting to be able to wallrun in any direction, or have an option to disable it completely.
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