Multiplayer dedicated server command/variable list?

edited 2013 Jan 30 in General
I've got DD 1.9.9 running on a Linux desktop. I can start the dedicated server and join the game, but I'd like to configure the game for my likes. Is there a comprehensive reference on the console commands? The dedicated server help is pretty much useless to me because I can't scroll up to see everything. For example if I type "listvars" at the prompt, I get a list of 558 console variables, but I can't see any but the last page full of them. Same for listcmds. Looks promising though!



  • Okay, I've found the cvar list. Poked around in the system and found /usr/share/doomsday/data/cphelp.txt, which seems to have the stuff that the listvars command spews. Is there another file that has the commands in it? I haven't found that one yet.

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