The jDEP is missing most of the Map Info definition paramaters such as music, sky and par time information. In order to resolve the issues with this addon, the Map Info definitions will need to be updated to include the values it is missing by copying them from their counterpart default definitions.
The jDEP is missing most of the Map Info definition paramaters such as music, sky and par time information. In order to resolve the issues with this addon, the Map Info definitions will need to be updated to include the values it is missing by copying them from their counterpart default definitions.
So is that one of the problems with the music addon, then?
AFAIK the various music addons available from are packaged/configured correctly. It is the jDEP that is preventing them from working (if loaded of course).
As we all know, there are issues with audio at present but for me, MP3 music is working OK so long as I do not use any of the jDEP addons (and provided I use the default audio output; sdl_mixer).
EDIT: I posted details with examples of exactly what needs to be done to update the jDEP here
I'm going to do this now. I CBF dealing with the jDRP right now, at least until Beta 7 comes probably. This one is easy though, just time consuming. And I want to play )
EDIT: OK I do have one question though. Scale XYZ was { 1 .8 1 }; i.e. Y-scale is 0.8, that's from the old format. How does this translate to the new format..? I thought it might of been Offset factor but in your example from the other thread you've got in there Offset factor { 0 0 0}; instead.
Scale isn't used anymore at all so what happens to that 0.8 on the Y axis? Or is it simply not needed anymore?
P.S. I looked through everything else and will still keep going, that's the only thing i'm unsure about. The rest is just copy and paste from the existing MapInfo and Skies DED's, and inserting the translated jDEP def's replacing the Layers with Models. The Wiki has everything. Sinch
I believe he's asking about wheter the actual value should be written as ".8" or "0.8". The answer is that there is no "old" and "new"; both have always been accepted by Dday.
*facepalm* I'm horrible at asking questions sometimes. And I really should research before asking questions.
I thought Scale XYZ was removed because I couldn't find it on the Wiki entry for Sky, of course I now realized it's on the Model page instead - obviously! Sorry guys nothing to see here....
Here's another problem with jDEP when used with Ultimate Doom. In the final (8th) level of every episode, the Exit cannot be triggered. For example, after I kill the Cyberdemon in e2m8 I still get to keep walking around instead of finishing the level. So basically you cannot possibly beat the game with it. This is the only problem I was unable to fix myself.
OK, can anyone shine some light on MPD's post and why this happens? What interferes with it?
Here is the def. for E1M8 from jdoom.pk3 in the latest Beta 6.6:
Copy Map Info {
ID = "E1M8";
Name = "HUSTR_E1M8";
Music = "e1m8";
Flags = nointermission;
Par time = 30;
...and here is the code from the current jDEP:
Map Info {
ID = "E1M8";
Name = "E1M8: Phobos Anomaly";
Author = "id Software";
Gravity = 1;
#Fog Settings
# mif_fog Activates Fog
# R = Red value
# G = Green value
# B = Blue value
Flags = "mif_fog";
Fog color R = 0.5;
Fog color G = 0.5;
Fog color B = 0.5;
# Fog dispersion range
# Start/End for Linear dispersal
# Density for EXP or EXP2 (Exponential)
Fog start = 500;
Fog end = 5000;
Fog density = 0.0001;
#Sky Model Setup
{the usual six sky definitions are here, removed for readability}
# Default sky Sphere settings
# Z Height Defaults for:
# Sky Sphere (default = 0.49)
# Horizon Offset (default = -0.105)
Sky height = 0.49;
Horizon offset = -0.105;
# Sky Sphere
Sky Layer 1 {
Flags = "slf_enable";
Texture = "SKY1";
So if E1M8 works without jDEP (that is, killing the CyberDemon finishes the level), what changes to the jDEP need to be done for it to work there? Is it the nointermission flag or "name"? Or....
Yes, it needs the nointermission flag to fix the exit issue.
The name should be updated also, as this links the name of the map to the text definition for the map name.
Great, thanks Dani. I already assumed as such (i'm halfway through this tedious job). So basically that nointermission flag also tells Deng that the level doesn't end by the traditional switch-flip.
Someone who does mapping could answer me this (offtopic), is there actually a flag attatched to the CyberDemon in E1M8? Or is the end-level trigger hard-coded in the engine (and as such it can't be re-created yet)? I had a look around the Wiki and it's been ages since I looked at a map editor so i'm not sure on that. Curious to know though.
I tried putting the nointermission flag in the code but that doesn't seem to work. I always thought the flag was meant for weather the intermission (% complete) screen is to be shown. I haven't tried the name change yet. If anyone has does it fix the problem?
Oh I don't know... yes the nointermission flag is to not show the intermission obviously, but I assume it also instructs Doomsday to be aware that it has a special endlevel condition and to watch out for it (since all special map endings have the special screen that doesnt have after-level-intermission report). I'm still reinstalling all my stuff and can't really test right now. Either disable the DEP (it's not that important is it?) or just type warp 21 when you kill the hoofed bastard to warp to E2M1, although there might/should be a console command/cheat like "endlevel" but I dont think there is.
It's not that hard to edit the mapname just copy and paste "HUSTR_E1M8"; over-writing "E1M8: Phobos Anomaly"; in the DEP.
It will work best if you just disable the DEP. I was running with both 1.0 and 1.1 alpha of DRP and the texture pack and the DUI pack, and all the Doom 2 special endings worked for me.
UPDATE: Just tested myself and it works fine without DEP enabled. I gave examples of E1M8 and the CyberDemon level is E2M8 though *whoops*. I hope you added Flags = nointermission; to the E2M8 definition haha!
Make sure you have the post-6.6 Beta hotfix aswell, here is the fixed jdoom.pk3 premade just incase you dont (it goes in data\jdoom\ replacing the original).
If anyone else tries to download that and finds the max-10-downloads limit breached, too bad - do it yourself via sourcefiles from the official Beta 6.6 announcement thread - I uploaded it to Rapidshare to make it temporary on purpose (I will remove the link in 24 hours if I remember).
Anyway, I have a spare few hours now and have my MediaMonkey music library installed <:-P so I will get stuck in and finish updating the DEP, if you can put up waiting for a few hours that is. I will report back here in this thread once it's done.
The game works fine without the jDEP, but I really like the additional depth perception, the realistic sky, and some glows.
Also, I found out that the jDEP doesn't work on Shareware Doom.
Ah yes, I forgot about the focus/depth effects. They are pretty sweet. Alright, I'll remember to make it shareware Doom aware too. Thanks for the heads up.
I already tried the "leavemap" and it does not work on level 8 of any episode of Ultimate Doom with jDEP on. It worked on every other level, though. I also found it strange that the same problem does not occur in Doom II when you beat a level before a text screen. Even the MAP30 works fine with jDEP.
You don't need to use the old (incompatible) jDEP any longer. You can instead use the newly released skybox addons (see here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=191).
As we all know, there are issues with audio at present but for me, MP3 music is working OK so long as I do not use any of the jDEP addons (and provided I use the default audio output; sdl_mixer).
EDIT: I posted details with examples of exactly what needs to be done to update the jDEP here
EDIT: OK I do have one question though. Scale XYZ was { 1 .8 1 }; i.e. Y-scale is 0.8, that's from the old format. How does this translate to the new format..? I thought it might of been Offset factor but in your example from the other thread you've got in there Offset factor { 0 0 0}; instead.
Scale isn't used anymore at all so what happens to that 0.8 on the Y axis? Or is it simply not needed anymore?
P.S. I looked through everything else and will still keep going, that's the only thing i'm unsure about. The rest is just copy and paste from the existing MapInfo and Skies DED's, and inserting the translated jDEP def's replacing the Layers with Models. The Wiki has everything. Sinch
I thought Scale XYZ was removed because I couldn't find it on the Wiki entry for Sky, of course I now realized it's on the Model page instead - obviously! Sorry guys
Here is the def. for E1M8 from jdoom.pk3 in the latest Beta 6.6:
...and here is the code from the current jDEP:
So if E1M8 works without jDEP (that is, killing the CyberDemon finishes the level), what changes to the jDEP need to be done for it to work there? Is it the nointermission flag or "name"? Or....
The name should be updated also, as this links the name of the map to the text definition for the map name.
Great, thanks Dani. I already assumed as such (i'm halfway through this tedious job). So basically that nointermission flag also tells Deng that the level doesn't end by the traditional switch-flip.
Someone who does mapping could answer me this (offtopic), is there actually a flag attatched to the CyberDemon in E1M8? Or is the end-level trigger hard-coded in the engine (and as such it can't be re-created yet)? I had a look around the Wiki and it's been ages since I looked at a map editor so i'm not sure on that. Curious to know though.
It's not that hard to edit the mapname
It will work best if you just disable the DEP. I was running with both 1.0 and 1.1 alpha of DRP and the texture pack and the DUI pack, and all the Doom 2 special endings worked for me.
UPDATE: Just tested myself and it works fine without DEP enabled. I gave examples of E1M8 and the CyberDemon level is E2M8 though *whoops*. I hope you added Flags = nointermission; to the E2M8 definition haha!
Make sure you have the post-6.6 Beta hotfix aswell, here is the fixed jdoom.pk3 premade just incase you dont (it goes in data\jdoom\ replacing the original).
If anyone else tries to download that and finds the max-10-downloads limit breached, too bad - do it yourself via sourcefiles from the official Beta 6.6 announcement thread - I uploaded it to Rapidshare to make it temporary on purpose (I will remove the link in 24 hours if I remember).
Anyway, I have a spare few hours now and have my MediaMonkey music library installed <:-P so I will get stuck in and finish updating the DEP, if you can put up waiting for a few hours that is. I will report back here in this thread once it's done.
Also, I found out that the jDEP doesn't work on Shareware Doom.
Ah yes, I forgot about the focus/depth effects. They are pretty sweet. Alright, I'll remember to make it shareware Doom aware too. Thanks for the heads up.
Someone else has any luck?
Well, yeah, but an ending would be nice. It looks very good with jDUI and custom music.
I know I can always save, quit, turn off the jDEP, and reload, but that really disrupts the momentum.