Certain buttons crash the game while in game menu [Resolved]

edited 2012 Dec 9 in Technical Support
And it only seems to be localized in the damn Controls section! With all the Doom games, it only seems to happen when i try to turn on mouselook by pressing enter. Hexen, Hexen Deathkings, and Heretic all crash while im trying to reassign basic movement keys.. The game itself works fine, but with no mouselook or awkward key bindings on the board, it makes for no fun gameplay :(

Im running Doomsday/Snowberry 1.9.0. Beta 4 (old i know, but it is the only port i could find that would at least let me play the games) on an OSX 10.5.8 MacBook Pro. Would it just be a buggy version of Doomsday, and is there a better one that will in fact let me play my games?


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