Hexen multiplayer

edited 2012 Dec 2 in Technical Support
Hi everyone!

I have a problem playing Hexen in multiplayer. I tried to host it in the way the wiki wrote it, no luck, than I made an other instance of it in the launcher, ticked on "run dedicated server" and after that, I was able to see the server with my client, and connect to it, but after that, I get dropped back to the menu. At serverside it says "connection closed on node 1" (or at least something like that). And now I'm out of ideas, please help, I'd love to play through Hexen with my friends! :)


  • I always see that "connection closed" server message when detecting the server - even before joining the actual game (for doom at least). Do you have more info?
  • What other info do you need? I'm experimenting with it on one machine, trying to join through the localhost address ( Is there any other multiplayer tutorial available besides the wiki's? I may only need that, but I didn't find any.
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