Couldn't find Doomsday.out

edited 2012 Oct 16 in Technical Support
Good morning,

I'm having a problem with my Doomsday Engine related to the Doomsday.out file. I had 1.8-something version and today I got the 1.9 but it has the same error...

"Couldn't open message output file doomsday.out"

And the, the engine loads and it says that there aren't any games avaliable (And I have original Hexen, Heretic and Hexen: DKotDC via Steam)

In the runtime folder I don't have that, only "conflicts" and "options.rsp"

Would someone help me with this problem? Thx :)


  • Has your runtime folder been write-protected? Where is your runtime folder located?
  • I don't know how to find if my folder has been write-protected >.<

    The runtime folder is in:

    C:\Users\<My Username>\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime

    And I've installed the Doomsday Engine in:

    C:\Users\<My Username>\Documents\Doomsday Engine

    Thanks for coming to help :)

    How can I know if the folder is write-protected? Is there any way of creating or downloading that doomsday.out thing to get the engine to work and recognise my games?
  • In Windows you can determine if the folder is write-protected by right clicking it, selecting Properties from the context menu and then looking for the Attributes section, where you will see the Read-only checkbox. If this is a solid square or a tick it means that the folder is write-protected.
  • There was a solid square on it, so I have just unticked it; but the problem persists.

    My situation is that after having the message of not finding that doomsday.out file, I see the console without any game (and I've already configured the location of the HEXEN.WAD etc)
  • Why have you installed Doomsday to your Documents folder? Usually applications are installed to c:/Program Files/ on Windows.
  • Ironically I have it on " C:\Program Files (x86)\Doomsday "

    The Doomsday folder on Documents was not the original one, I only had the games I downloaded from Steam >.< my mistake describing it.
  • Is there a file named "Options.rsp" in c:/Users/<user-name>/Documents/Doomsday Frontend/runtime? If so please post its contents here (its a plain text file).
  • Oks, the content is this:

    -basedir "C:\Program Files (x86)\Doomsday" -userdir "C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime" -sfxchan 16 -texcomp -wh 640 480 -game hexen -fullscreen -iwad "C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Doomsday Engine\Hexen\base\HEXEN.WAD" -bpp 32

    I only changed my name to USERNAME before posting it >.<
  • Are you certain there isn't a Doomsday.out file in the same directory? It is very odd that the frontend was able to create Options.rsp yet Doomsday was not able to create the log...

    Does your user name contain any non-English characters?
  • edited 2012 Oct 16
    It does, it contains the Spanish accent. I've changed it without any accent or anything but normal letter but it still happens :/ I'll try uninstalling + deleting the Frontend folder...

    Edit: Nothing. Changed the username to another without any non-english characters, uninstalled completely the doomsday engine, removed the frontend, reinstalled the doomsday engine, putting again the location of all the WADs and nothing, no doomsday.out :(

    Edit2: I changed the name.. when I start de laptop and it says to put the password, but I can't change my name! or at least I don't know how.. And I changed the "name of the PC" afterwards and the only non-letter is this sign - in the name. But the same, nothing :/
  • Something else to try:
    skyjake wrote:
    At present Doomsday will not run correctly unless number formatting is set to a U.S. English locale (config files will be parsed wrong).
  • What does that mean? >.< sorry for not knowing about pc-things..

    Edit: I changed the number settings to US and the same, nothing happened. I hate being a pain in the tech support forum
  • Create a new user account in Windows, one without "special" characters then log in using that account and try again.
  • I can reproduce the error when I create a user account with non-ANSI characters in the username. It looks like the frontend isn't passing the .rsp path correctly to Doomsday. IIRC on Windows the launcher is not using the Unicode version of wxPython, which may contribute to this bug.

    There are a couple of workarounds:
    • Create a new user account with only ANSI characters in the name and use that to play Doomsday.
    • Alternatively you can bypass the launcher and create your own shortcut to start Doomsday with the argument: @c:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime\Options.rsp EDIT: Disclaimer: I tried this just now but it didn't seem to work any better...

    I'll create a bug report for this issue.
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