Dani's old Cyberdemon Skin.

So I was browsing through an archive of old Jdoom stuff on an external Hard Drive, and ran across some of the original skins created by Dani, including the Cyberdemon. I'm not sure why this isn't included in any of the Resource Packs, but I think it's far better than the default skin for the Cyberdemon model currently in the JDRP. I know the face doesn't look exactly like the original Cyberdemon, but it's still better than the extremely low-detail cyberdemon found in the JRDP. Dani, I certainly wish you had created more skins, even if they were for Cheb's models!



  • You need a new model. Too low poly. I like the current one better, including its model design. The current one seems taller too. The metal leg and stomach on this one may have more detail as far as resolution goes, but the torso seems to have less detail overall, but the one in the current pack, though lower res, seems to have more details and marks added to the torso. Seeing this animated, including damage stages and death animation might make me prefer this one though. But a new model with mormal maps and a high poly count and other details is best, when possible in Doomsday.
  • gary wrote:
    You need a new model. Too low poly. I like the current one better, including its model design. The current one seems taller too. The metal leg and stomach on this one may have more detail as far as resolution goes, but the torso seems to have less detail overall, but the one in the current pack, though lower res, seems to have more details and marks added to the torso. Seeing this animated, including damage stages and death animation might make me prefer this one though. But a new model with mormal maps and a high poly count and other details is best, when possible in Doomsday.
    This skin uses the exact same model as the JDRP... I took this screenshot in Risen3D, so it's possible the scale is different in the definitions. Actually, I compared the scale to the original Cyberdemon, and it matches up pretty well. The Cyberdemon in the JDRP is taller than the original sprite. This skin isn't mine, in case you got that idea. Dani made it. I only dug it up. You are right about the chest being a bit plain, but it is still much more detailed than the old skin.
  • it appears as though the UVs for the chest are overlapping where there is a line, which makes the edge there really stand out, since the texture doesn't go smoothly across it.
  • Yeah they are. That is (one of) the big problem with those old models. If they had been better made in the first place, with decent UVs, good use of texture space, uniform scale, etc, etc... I would have been able to do a lot more with them. However the poor quality of the models themselves meant that creating decent skins for them was pretty much impossible. That was the whole reason behind my learning to model...

    Thanks for posting this Lightning Hunter, a jog down memory lane indeed. Though frankly, I'm somewhat embarrassed to think my name is associated with some of that stuff, however everyone has to start somewhere :)
  • I don't think you need to be embarrassed about this skin, Dani. I think it's quite detailed for an earlier work. Like you said, it can't look perfect on an old sub-par model. Your skinning and modeling abilities are certainly better now I'm sure, but I still like this skin. I still think it's way better than the pixelated Cyberdemon skin currently in the JDRP. I wish someone else had stepped up to the plate to create good Doom models and skins after you abandoned your resource project. There is only one promising project that I can find, but I'm not going to keep my fingers crossed about it being released.
  • I think the models are better than the sprites period. Maybe someday all monster models will be upgraded.
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