No 5.1 support?
Hello. I Have Win 7 x64 and Creative Audigy2 ZS with latest drivers. Why I can't hear my two rear speakers ingame? "3D sounds" in config panel checked, 16bit effects too, and still two rear speakers are muted. I tried FMOD_Ex, SDL_Mixer, OpenAL.. In FMOD_Ex overall sound quality is best but still without working rear speakers.
DDay 1.9.9
Sorry for my English.
Oh, sorry, in DirectSound "5.1 Audio" works fine, but audio reverb (EAX?) and music doesn't work. If I use Creative ALchemy for restore DSound EAX Effects in W7 (to dday/bin folder) game crashes after I click Play.
What is "Sound Channel" in snowberry? How I should set this option?
DDay 1.9.9
Sorry for my English.
Oh, sorry, in DirectSound "5.1 Audio" works fine, but audio reverb (EAX?) and music doesn't work. If I use Creative ALchemy for restore DSound EAX Effects in W7 (to dday/bin folder) game crashes after I click Play.

What is "Sound Channel" in snowberry? How I should set this option?
I talked about various ways of supporting 3D Sound\Surround Sound with them and they said they need to do work on the sound system in general. Eventually we should see better surround sound support. I thought true 5.1 worked though if you where on a supported system. I was saying I would also like to see a specific prologic II encoded mode like darkplaces has too especially for the other systems that Doomsday is on where that might be easier to support.
The first new thing is that on Windows, the FMOD audio driver will query the system's configured speaker setting and attempt to use it. So, if you're lucky, your speakers might start working with no extra effort.
However, if the autodetection doesn't work for some reason, there are a couple of new command line options: -speaker51 forces a 5.1 speaker mode, -speaker71 does the same for 7.1, and -speakerprologic sets the SRS 5.1 / Prologic / Prologic 2 compatible mode. You will need to add one of these in the Snowberry custom options.
Let me know how these work out for you.
i tried the 1.9.10 build654.
After activating 3D Sound in the Audio Control Panel it works out of the box.
OS Windows 7 x64, Soundcard Audigy 2 ZS
Best Regards,
Not like in Darkplaces where turning it on there gives a convincing version of 3D sound on my system. BTW, I don't think there's a way to autodedect that mode since it's not hardware based. The only thing I can think of is to have it on by default for two channel mode.
On the other hand. Discrete (5.1 on my system) mode seems to be working even on the Mac. If one has a Mac that has a Mini Display Port (such as the 27 inch iMac which I have) and a home theater receiver one can hook up a MDP to HDMI adaptor and setup up to 7.1 channels in Audio MIDI setup and doomsday 3D audio is working with that when I switch over to that in my receiver rather than use the optical cable which I use for 2 channel and AC3\DTS audio.
It doesn't affect the music though (it does play however). Darkplaces is the same way and I prefer the prologic II mode there because it affects the music as well as the environmental\monster sounds\etc. and not many have MDP to HDMI capability on their Mac especially those with Astro surround headphones on Laptops or other computer speakers that only take optical cables. Still good work on the discrete mode.. much appreciated.
GZDOOM seems to have a good discrete surround mode that also seems to affect the music but I prefer the graphics in doomsday.. so I only use GZDOOM for the zdoom wolfTC and Return of The Triad.
Audigy 2 ZS, Win 7 x64
Autodetection works good.