Hexen not running on Doomsday 1.9.8-1

edited 2012 Sep 9 in Technical Support
I get an error message that "hexen-demo" is "incomplete/not playable".
The profile is configured for jHexen, game mode "Hexen (4 level demo)" and points to the correct WAD file.

Note that "doom1-share" works perfectly fine. Any ideas?


  • Have you renamed Hexen.wad? Presently the only alternative name supported is hexendemo.wad (if for whatever reason you want to have all your IWADs in one directory).
  • Tnx DaniJ.
    After renaming the wad file to hexendemo.wad, it loads fine. BTW, I do have all my WAD files in one directory - didn't see a reason yet to have that changed.
    Is the Hexen demo the only one that is name-sensitive? I can run Heretic with a WAD called heretic1.wad (don't ask me why).
    If I buy the full version of Hexen, would there be any specific name convention?
  • All IWAD names are sensitive to this at present. As Doomsday now attempts to locate your game data files automatically, we can't have it testing every file in every directory just in case it happens to be a renamed IWAD. Consequently we only consider the original file names plus a handful of unique alternative names in case the user wants to have them all in the same directory.

    This minor issue (not supporting arbitrary renames) will be addressed at some point.

    The IWAD for the full version of Hexen is named Hexen.wad. By renaming the demo version you have already addressed that name conflict.
  • OK. After I created subfolders for the individual games, no more issues. Thank you.
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