SF.net Upgrade

edited 2012 Sep 8 in News
SourceForge is developing a new version of their software development platform, and now the deng project has been migrated onto it. In practice this means that the Bug Tracker, Feature Requests tracker, Patches tracker, and the web browser interface of the Git/Mercurial repositories have been upgraded.

All the old tickets have been moved to the new trackers. It is now possible to use MarkDown in the content for formatting their appearance (bold, italic, headings, lists, etc.) and to refer to other tickets using hyperlinks. Unfortunately, any URLs pointing to the old trackers or items don't work any more. However, the new URLs are much nicer, for instance: http://sf.net/p/deng/bugs/1022/

We have enabled voting on individual tickets (bugs/RFEs). We invite everyone to vote on the tickets you feel are most/least important; this will be an important factor in determining the priority and implementation order of the tickets.

We are quite happy with the new trackers compared to the old ones; hopefully they will further boost our development efforts in the long run.


  • I like the new SF, much more clean and modern IMO.

    Only thing I miss is how colorful the bug list page looked (as each bug was highlighted a different color depending on its priority). Kind of hard to get high and low priority bugs to stand out now under this new format, otherwise, I think it's pretty good.
  • Kind of hard to get high and low priority bugs to stand out now
    Yeah, I'd prefer the "heat map" coloring as well. Perhaps it will be brought back as Allura develops. For now we'll just have to resort to the "Priority" group searches in the left bar and sorting by priority (or votes).
  • I also miss the heat map, but I miss that the email updates don't contain a copy of the full report up till that point; they now only contain the initial comment and specifically what has changed.

    Certinally, the new options are cool thouggh :)
  • One question: Did SF change the notification system or something? I would always get an email from SF about a change in a ticket that I submitted, whether that change was a comment, a change on the status of the bug, a change in the bug's priority, etc. The email notifications were how I found out about changes to my submitted tickets 98% of the time and they were pretty useful, but I haven't been getting them lately. Is there a setting I can change that's tucked away or something?
  • There are probably a new notifications missing since the upgrade; e.g., I'm not seeing the project's or my own activity in the Activity Feed any more apart from file uploads. Nor is there a way to get email notifications about new Git commits. Allura is still in Beta, though, so it's likely that functionality will improve in the future.

    You should be able to see your notification subscriptions on your SF.net user account page under "Subscriptions".
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