Commandline HELP

Ok, WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? I'm trying to setup desktop links for each game. I've created a text file by copying the contents of the Preview Command Line box and saving it as game-name .txt I've created links that point to snowberry followed by the @ and then the text file name, e.g.:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Doomsday\snowberry\snowberry.exe @heretic.txt

Nothing. I've tried from a command window, changing to the snowberry directory and running, e.g:

snowberry @heretic.txt

Nothing. What am I doing wrong??? I'm running latest version, all games load through snowberry no-problems.


  • I'm not sure what it is you are trying to achieve, can you explain? Is the idea to pass arguments to configure Snowberry from a shortcut on the desktop? Or do you simply want to create shortcuts for launching the games directly? If the latter then you should pass the arguments to Doomsday rather than the frontend/launcher (Snowberry).
  • Or do you simply want to create shortcuts for launching the games directly?

    YEP! :)

    Edit: I figured out what I was doing wrong from your post. <:-P I was pointing shortcuts to SNOWBERRY instead of DOOMSDAY. :D

    Feel free to slap me upside the head repeatly for wasting your time :P
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