Complete jHeretic Resource Pack/Box for 1.9.8 and above
Is there a complete jheretic resource pack with textures and models for 1.9.8 and above available for download? The one I have is somehow obsolete and some of the models don't render such as pickup items: crystal vial, quartz flask and so on.
I would be grateful if there is such a compilation.
Is there a complete jheretic resource pack with textures and models for 1.9.8 and above available for download? The one I have is somehow obsolete and some of the models don't render such as pickup items: crystal vial, quartz flask and so on.
I would be grateful if there is such a compilation.
that might with some luck help to make them render after all as models instead of sprites
See the picture:
The bubbles in the crystal vial and quartz flask are not moving up and down together with the containers. In 1.8.6 these models were fine, where should be the error?
Have a nice day!
By the way, are there any hi resolution version of the help screens in the main menu of Heretic? I'm just curious if there is some UI pack with them.