high-res textures in Plutonia 2?

edited 2012 Jul 23 in Technical Support
Hi all,

I'm still running Doomsday 1.8.6, and I'd like to finish the WAD I'm playing (Hell Revealed) before I upgrade to the new stable release. Last night, I ran into something weird.

Last night, I finished the original Plutonia, and just for kicks, I decided to try out Plutonia 2. I noticed that, while the floors and ceilings still seem to be high-res (at least, the ones that have available textures (flats?)), none of the walls are high-res, including the ones that are in my high res texture pack. All the available high-res textures were properly displayed throughout Plutonia 1 and all other WADs I've played so far on 1.8.6. The high res pack I'm using is zd-dhtp-20101225.pk3, which, as I understand it, is the one that works for 1.8.6. I have pl2hires.wad, but that only contains a few textures related to Plutonia 2, and it doesn't work for me, anyway. (title screen pic is huge, and I get a segmentation violation when I try to run Plutonia 2 with pl2hires included.) Does anybody have any idea what may be wrong?

Thanks in advance!


  • If you run a pwad that includes new textures or flats in Dday 1.8.6, it automatically disables ALL external replacements (i.e such as a hi-res texture) by default. This is because many pwads, mostly older ones, replaced original textures and flats rather than adding all new ones.

    This behavior can be overridden by adding '-pwadtex' to the command line. But obviously, you will not see any new textures or flats that replaced originals (i.e PL2 replaces some of the original Doom animated texture sequences so as to allow it to work in any port).

    Modern Dday has improved handling of this; Rather than simply disabling ALL external replacements on encountering a pwad with custom textures and flats, new or replacement for originals, it disables external replacements on a case by case basis when it finds a replacement for an original texture or flat in a pwad.

    However this behavior is currently partially broken and hence it can miss some.
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