Sorry, Doomsday does not support Direct3D for rendering graphics.
There used to be a Direct3D renderer plugin back in the old days when I started Doomsday. However, I've moved away from Windows as my primary development environment. We might reinstate Direct3D support at some point, but the trouble is that it takes quite a bit of more effort to work with D3D than OpenGL due to the lower-level nature of the D3D API. Plus D3D seems to undergo major changes every couple of years, which adds to the workload.
Perhaps in the future a Windows developer will feel motivated to work on adding Direct3D support to the planned next-gen renderer.
There used to be a Direct3D renderer plugin back in the old days when I started Doomsday. However, I've moved away from Windows as my primary development environment. We might reinstate Direct3D support at some point, but the trouble is that it takes quite a bit of more effort to work with D3D than OpenGL due to the lower-level nature of the D3D API. Plus D3D seems to undergo major changes every couple of years, which adds to the workload.
Perhaps in the future a Windows developer will feel motivated to work on adding Direct3D support to the planned next-gen renderer.