latest build

edited 2012 Jun 19 in Technical Support
Are things suppose to be severely broken like some doors in hexen being blue or portals being blue this is with the hires packs i got and will be checking the game with out the packs. also no models show up and if there is ones that show up then i have no idea why they work and will be looking into it. now this could just be a case for the color problem to be a gfx card problem but doomsday has been running fine on my compy despite having an ATI card.

Edit: apparently if no models are on but it's set to use them the dead marine and the exploded marine do not show up unless you have a 3d model in the models folder in the jdoom data folder else you see nothing.

Edit 2: texture color offsets only happen with hires textures so thats slightly good news.


  • edited 2012 Jun 20
  • it has always been this way for me when switching games via the console it dose what it's doing now but the tinting of the red textures to blue is new.

    Edit: fixed mt resource problem and that is put all my resources into jGamename/auto but folders are not excepted and for the blue problem it appears to only happen on 2 textures weather it on models or textures that are not from the wad.
  • Gordon wrote:
    some doors in hexen being blue or portals being blue
    This is almost certainly a bug caused by the recent changes in the image loader to add support for JPG images: the new code also handles PNG images, and it's possible that it's incorrectly processing some particular image formats. Could you post a screenshot of the blue texture plus the output of the where command? Which resource pack is the texture from?
    I use doom as it was easy to type in the console. we can't even rule out heretic. on a rare occasion in doom the rocket boxes are blue.

    Edit: it appears that it is the way the textures were saved that caused this as i re-saved some hi-res textures that where blue in game and there back to normal.
  • This issue has since been fixed for the next unstable build. You do not need to modify your add-ons.
  • ok thanks
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