DOOM Sycraft Remixes (4) Not Working [Fix Inside]

edited 2012 May 17 in Technical Support
Doomsday Engine Version: Stable version 1.9.8 (build 500) (15 May 2012)
Snowberry Frontend Version: 1.4
Package: Sycraft Remixes 4 (jdmu-all-remix-Sycraft-v4.pk3)
Games: DOOM, DOOMII & Final DOOM
Tested System: Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)

Synopsis: The package wasn't being read correctly by the frontend or the engine itself when attempting to add / load.

Fix: The "jdmu-all-remix-Sycraft-v4.pk3" archive is not formatted correctly (file provided by Doomsday Add-ons Page). The archive has a base folder "jdmu-all-remix-Sycraft-v4.pk3_FILES" in the root, instead of the files themselves. In the archive, move all files in the "jdmu-all-remix-Sycraft-v4.pk3_FILES" folder to the archive root and delete the empty "jdmu-all-remix-Sycraft-v4.pk3_FILES" folder. Fixed for me.
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