Total Conversions & Doomsday

edited 2012 May 16 in Technical Support
I've been trying to figure out how to play total conversions like Doom 64 TC and Wolfendoom for Doomsday, but I can't seem to figure it out. Is it even possible? If so, can somebody give me the run down on how to do it?

Also, is Brutal Doom playable with Doomsday? I ask because I would like to play it with the hi-res texture pack.


  • Doom64 TC was released with a specially altered version of Doomsday and will only work with that.

    Brutal Doom will not work with Doomsday; it is designed for GZDoom or Skulltag (there are different versions of the mod for each port).

    WolfenDoom for Doomsday, as is my understanding, a combination of several mods; Laz Rojaz's non-port specifc WolfenDoom mods and various Doomsday hi-res graphics mods for them. It comes packaged with an old version of Doomsday, however, as far as I am aware, that can be discarded and the mods used with the current version of Doomsday.
  • Thanks for the clarification, man. I appreciate the quick reply.
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