1.9.8 Candidate Testing



  • Should it be in the 'postponed' list then?

    Oh, and the antialiasing showstopper bug in the to-do list isn't win32 only since I am running Win7 64. Just letting you know since it says "'Win32 only?"
  • gary wrote:
    Should it be in the 'postponed' list then?
    If something is already in the roadmap, there's no need to duplicate it in the todo list; particularly when it has been scheduled for a later release.
    gary wrote:
    Oh, and the antialiasing showstopper bug in the to-do list isn't win32 only since I am running Win7 64. Just letting you know since it says "'Win32 only?"
    Currently we only have 32-bit Windows builds, hence the use of "Win32".
  • Ah, thanks for the clarity. Sounds like good news.

    Also, what can I do about accessing the console? I'm on build 493 and cannot access it. Is this just an issue with me or is this something that will be fixed for 1.9.8?
  • Also, what can I do about accessing the console? I'm on build 493 and cannot access it. Is this just an issue with me or is this something that will be fixed for 1.9.8?
    We may be missing a mapping for a key in the Windows keymap. Testing 495 on a native Windows (Fin/Swe) keyboard, it seems the key left of Z is producing no events.

    This should be fixable for 1.9.8. In the meantime, you can use Control Panel -> Console -> Activation key to set it to the key you want to use.
  • I was reading the road map and thinking, after 2.1.0, how could the Doomsday engine be upgraded any further? Then there would be a lot of time to upgrade models and textures, and the best looking models and textures could be supported and run smoothly after 2.1.0. I guess at that point, the engine would reach a point where it is almost up-to-date with the latest graphical tech and would only be upgraded further when computer tech becomes better, assuming that there is little feature creep when 2.1.0 gets done.

    I think animated skies would be neat. Even Doom 64 had that. Also, imagine the detail of Doomsday being on par to the best detailed games of 2012 or maybe like Crysis 3, from what I have seen from previews. Is that the kind of detail we are talking about post 2.1.0? Is it even possible to keep Classic Doom's gameplay the same with those kinds of graphics? Just thinking about it is awe inspiring. All that detail and make it so it gives us the option to NOT let the monster's bodies disappear after death for people's computers that are capable of handling the load.
  • gary wrote:
    Also, imagine the detail of Doomsday being on par to the best detailed games of 2012 or maybe like Crysis 3, from what I have seen from previews. Is that the kind of detail we are talking about post 2.1.0? Is it even possible to keep Classic Doom's gameplay the same with those kinds of graphics?
    While it is reasonable to expect some increases in the level of detail, we are unlikely to reach the quality of commercial games like Crysis, where a large team of people is specifically hand-crafting said detail. It does not appear out of thin air... However, we do intend the next-gen renderer to allow both procedural and manual additions of detail to the maps -- it will be interesting to see where we end up, eventually.
  • gary wrote:
    I think animated skies would be neat. Even Doom 64 had that.

    Dday supports frame based animated skies in all games and JHeXen supports scrolling skies (a native feature of HeXen).

    Dday also supports animated sky boxes and sky models in all games (animated models in the sky, such as a plane or bird). DaniJ released a couple of now lost tutorial examples of animated skyboxes long ago.

    So, it's not a case of lack of support, rather a case that nobody has yet released an animated sky for Dday.
  • I see that a build called #500 as a stable 1.9.8 is clickable, but it takes me to a screen that is different than other builds when you download them, so I'm assuming that it isn't up yet despite being clickable. Also odd that it is called '1' for the Windows version.
  • Yeah there were a couple of hiccups this time around. I patched the build repository page manually and the builds should be readily downloadable now.
  • Is it me or has dynamic lighting performance improved between the last unstable 1.9.8 build and the stable release?
  • During the stable release QA process we discovered some significant refresh timing issues when using Qt 4.8.0 on Windows. Consequently we downgraded the Qt version to 4.7.4 for the stable release as it performed considerably better. It could be that. There were no changes to dynamic lights specifically between the two releases, however.
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