On Week 13/2012

edited 2012 Apr 9 in Developers

Last week we took another significant step forward on our roadmap as I merged my Qt-based changes to the master branch. Since then I've been cleaning up various small issues caused by or brought to attention by the merge.

I added a new Mac OS X build targeting 10.6 or newer Macs with 32-bit/64-bit Intel binaries. However, I haven't yet had time to do any QA on it so some things might still be broken. Let me know if you find it malfunctioning in some way. This also means Windows is now the only remaining platform where we aren't providing 64-bit builds. This should be rectified sooner or later. Presently I haven't got a suitable machine to act as a 64-bit Windows autobuilder, but other options exist.

My plan for this week is to continue cleaning things up in the master branch and gradually shift my focus to the stable 1.9.8 to-do list, as we are getting closer to the 1.9.8 candidate phase. With my Qt work branch closed, I don't intend to add much additional new code or functionality for 1.9.8. Instead, I'll primarily focus on the bug tracker and the todo items.


Last week saw the completion of the refactoring work to our BSP node builder. The BspBuilder class now constructs the final BSP objects we use in-game, rather than producing an interim representation which would then have to be translated.

This fundamental design shift mandated some significant refactorings in order to instill the concept of ownership throughout the algorithm. This work is largely complete other than a temporary kludge whereby BspBuilder modifies the GameMap on which it is working, for the purpose of linking sidedefs to half-edges (violating the ownership model). Once the half-edge data structure has been implemented this kludge can be removed.

On the whole I'd say my work for 1.9.8 is running a little behind where I'd hoped to be at this point. I had intended to have the map-hedgeds branch completed and merged to the master some time last week.

The BSP builder implementation is now at a point where it is ready to accept the half-edge data structure. This is what I intend to work on over the coming week. With luck this work will progress smoothly and it'll be ready for merging back to the master by the end of the week.

In addition to the BSP builder, I also pushed out the revised design for dengine.net There are a few issues in older web browsers (nothing critical, however). These issues will be resolved in time. I think its looking a lot better now.


  • Seems with the latest build, after the game loads, the controls even on the keyboard don't respond, at least not immediately. Also IIRC, something isn't right with the way it behaves between map completion and loading a new one right after. Perhaps as a result of making it tied to the OS. Seems only a couple buttons were working. Also when pressing Ctrl+Shift +Esc to bring up the task bar and closing it by right clicking the app, it went back to the screen and asked if I was sure I wanted to end the game with y or n, of course pressing the keys did nothing. Right clicking the app and trying to close it again closed it.

    Seems that switching to an earlier build and deleting the frontend fixed it.
  • Presently the Doomsday window does not receive focus automatically on startup - you need to click in the window. After that your keyboard and other input devices should respond normally.

    It is an intentional change that attempting to click close defers the decision to the in-game quit dialog. Clicking close again while that dialog is visible will then confirm the close (an alternative method to then using the in-game quit function).
  • DaniJ wrote:
    Presently the Doomsday window does not receive focus automatically on startup - you need to click in the window. After that your keyboard and other input devices should respond normally.

    I clicked with the mouse before and the mouse disappeared but still no response, but the time before when I clicked with the mouse, it worked like you said. But I'm running it in full screen mode, not windowed mode.
  • Speaking of recent control issues, I've had a couple of occasions where the console key doesn't work. But every other control worked.

    In both occasions, restarting Dday fixed the issue.
  • Has anything changed with player turning in the last few builds?

    It seems like since the beginning of QT merge, that turning left and right with the keyboard has become a little jerky although the over turning issue appears to have lessened a bit (even after all that excellent work on the controls for 1.9.7, something still seemed slightly amiss with over turning left and right).
  • gary wrote:
    Seems with the latest build, after the game loads, the controls even on the keyboard don't respond, at least not immediately.
    Let's be a bit more specific:
    - you are running Windows? (7?)
    - you are using Snowberry?
    - you are starting the game in fullscreen mode?
    - you have mouse enabled (not using -nomouse)
    - you try to press a key to bring up the menu but nothing happens? (please describe exactly what you do and what you expect to happen)

    There have been a couple of instances of non-responsive keyboard in Linux, but it seems to occur rarely and randomly.
  • Vermil wrote:
    Has anything changed with player turning in the last few builds?
    Not specifically regarding turning.
    Vermil wrote:
    It seems like since the beginning of QT merge, that turning left and right with the keyboard has become a little jerky although the over turning issue appears to have lessened a bit (even after all that excellent work on the controls for 1.9.7, something still seemed slightly amiss with over turning left and right).
    Currently vsync and FSAA are always forced on, that might lead to occasional performance problems (particularly with large display resolutions).

    Do you mean "jerky" during the turning movement, or in the beginning of the movement?

    What do you mean by "over turning"?
  • skyjake wrote:
    Vermil wrote:
    Has anything changed with player turning in the last few builds?
    Not specifically regarding turning.
    Vermil wrote:
    It seems like since the beginning of QT merge, that turning left and right with the keyboard has become a little jerky although the over turning issue appears to have lessened a bit (even after all that excellent work on the controls for 1.9.7, something still seemed slightly amiss with over turning left and right).
    Currently vsync and FSAA are always forced on, that might lead to occasional performance problems (particularly with large display resolutions).

    Do you mean "jerky" during the turning movement, or in the beginning of the movement?

    What do you mean by "over turning"?

    I have AA off via the command line because my video card can't handle it with dynamic lights; immense slowdown occurs.

    I tested the start area of E3M1 of Ultimate Doom in 458 and 452. In 458, it felt like everything was jerking a bit, particularly when I was turning left and right. The jerking seemed consistent (in timing and amount). My FPS, according to the meter, didn't change.

    On the overturning front; I often find myself turning a bit further than expected relative to 1.8.6. It's as if the controls are more sensitive rather than anything being wrong with player movement; I find it allot more difficult to make the tiniest left/right movement in 1.9.7 possible for instance.

    EDIT: I just tried turning dlights on and off via the control panel and when I turned them back on, I started getting considerable slowdown identical to if I had AA on (I have it off via the command line). Restarting Dday doesn't appear to have fixed it.

    EDIT2: The issue I and Gary mentioned above with non-responding controls is related to when you click the mouse on the Dday window (i.e to give it focus); if you only do it once the title screen of the loaded game is reached, you have full control.

    But if you click the Dday window during engine start up, you get a vareity of controls not work. The controls that don't work seem to depend on how early in startup you click the mouse.

    I use Windows and run in full screen.
  • Vermil wrote:
    On the overturning front; I often find myself turning a bit further than expected relative to 1.8.6. It's as if the controls are more sensitive rather than anything being wrong with player movement; I find it allot more difficult to make the tiniest left/right movement in 1.9.7 possible for instance.
    If you set input-sharp-lateprocessing to zero, how does it affect this issue of over-tuning?
    EDIT: I just tried turning dlights on and off via the control panel and when I turned them back on, I started getting considerable slowdown identical to if I had AA on (I have it off via the command line).
    As I said, presently FSAA and vsync are always on, no matter what you set on the command line. Only GL driver settings will affect it.
    But if you click the Dday window during engine start up, you get a vareity of controls not work. The controls that don't work seem to depend on how early in startup you click the mouse.
    That's a good lead to check out, thanks.
  • skyjake wrote:
    Vermil wrote:
    On the overturning front; I often find myself turning a bit further than expected relative to 1.8.6. It's as if the controls are more sensitive rather than anything being wrong with player movement; I find it allot more difficult to make the tiniest left/right movement in 1.9.7 possible for instance.
    If you set input-sharp-lateprocessing to zero, how does it affect this issue of over-tuning?

    It's still there even with 0. It seems to be intial and final camera movement (i.e when you first press the key and right after you take you finger off the key).

    The jerking is also still there.
    skyjake wrote:
    Vermil wrote:
    EDIT: I just tried turning dlights on and off via the control panel and when I turned them back on, I started getting considerable slowdown identical to if I had AA on (I have it off via the command line).
    As I said, presently FSAA and vsync are always on, no matter what you set on the command line. Only GL driver settings will affect it.

    The fps drops considerably once I turn dlights off and back on via the control panel.
    skyjake wrote:
    Vermil wrote:
    But if you click the Dday window during engine start up, you get a vareity of controls not work. The controls that don't work seem to depend on how early in startup you click the mouse.
    That's a good lead to check out, thanks.

    To elaborate a bit more on this, the ability to activate the console seems to randomly disappear in game; one has to restart Dday to get it back. Might be related to either alt-tabbing and/or the intermission screen. Of course the former requires one to refocus the mouse again...

    Somewhat OT, I like the fact that Dday now auto pauses/un-pauses when you alt tab. But it's a little bothersome that manual pauses are also undone when you alt-tab back (i.e. if the game was already paused by the player before you alt-tabbed away from the Dday window).
  • skyjake wrote:
    gary wrote:
    Seems with the latest build, after the game loads, the controls even on the keyboard don't respond, at least not immediately.
    Let's be a bit more specific:
    - you are running Windows? (7?)
    - you are using Snowberry?
    - you are starting the game in fullscreen mode?
    - you have mouse enabled (not using -nomouse)
    - you try to press a key to bring up the menu but nothing happens? (please describe exactly what you do and what you expect to happen)

    All of the above. And like Vermil, sometimes the console key doesn't do anything. I also notice something about turning that doesn't feel the same, but I thought it was because my joystick's axis was not popping back into the neutral position immediately. As for pausing; I never pause; I just hit Esc for the menu since it does the same.
  • Also, to elaborate a bit on the 'jerky' turning; I meant the jerking occured through out the whole turning movement. The jerking was also consistent. Like the same jerk was happening every tic, if you get what I mean.
  • Well, with the latest build, like the last, sometimes I get crashes upon startup. Here is the Doomsday.out:
    Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.9.8 [#462] (Unstable 32-bit) Apr  6 2012 12:12:13.
    Sys_InitWindowManager: Using Qt window management.
    Initializing plugins...
    Starting LegacyCore event loop...
    OpenGL information:
      Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
      Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series
      Version: 4.1.10750 Compatibility Profile Context
      Available Compressed Texture Formats: 0
      Available Texture Units: 8
      Maximum Texture Anisotropy: 16
      Maximum Texture Size: 16384
      Line Width Granularity: 0.1
      Line Width Range: 1.0...63.0
        GL_AMDX_debug_output           GL_AMDX_vertex_shader_tessella
        GL_AMD_conservative_depth      GL_AMD_debug_output           
        GL_AMD_depth_clamp_separate    GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend     
        GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect     GL_AMD_name_gen_delete        
        GL_AMD_performance_monitor     GL_AMD_sample_positions       
        GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_te GL_AMD_shader_stencil_export  
        GL_AMD_shader_trace            GL_AMD_texture_cube_map_array 
        GL_AMD_texture_texture4        GL_AMD_transform_feedback3_lin
        GL_AMD_vertex_shader_tessellat GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility      
        GL_ARB_blend_func_extended     GL_ARB_color_buffer_float     
        GL_ARB_copy_buffer             GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float     
        GL_ARB_depth_clamp             GL_ARB_depth_texture          
        GL_ARB_draw_buffers            GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend     
        GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vert GL_ARB_draw_indirect          
        GL_ARB_draw_instanced          GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_locatio
        GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventi GL_ARB_fragment_program       
        GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader        
        GL_ARB_framebuffer_object      GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB       
        GL_ARB_geometry_shader4        GL_ARB_get_program_binary     
        GL_ARB_gpu_shader5             GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64        
        GL_ARB_half_float_pixel        GL_ARB_half_float_vertex      
        GL_ARB_imaging                 GL_ARB_instanced_arrays       
        GL_ARB_map_buffer_range        GL_ARB_multisample            
        GL_ARB_multitexture            GL_ARB_occlusion_query        
        GL_ARB_occlusion_query2        GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object    
        GL_ARB_point_parameters        GL_ARB_point_sprite           
        GL_ARB_provoking_vertex        GL_ARB_sample_shading         
        GL_ARB_sampler_objects         GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map      
        GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding    
        GL_ARB_shader_objects          GL_ARB_shader_precision       
        GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export   GL_ARB_shader_subroutine      
        GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod      GL_ARB_shading_language_100   
        GL_ARB_shadow                  GL_ARB_shadow_ambient         
        GL_ARB_sync                    GL_ARB_tessellation_shader    
        GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp    GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object  
        GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_r GL_ARB_texture_compression    
        GL_ARB_texture_compression_bpt GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgt
        GL_ARB_texture_cube_map        GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array 
        GL_ARB_texture_env_add         GL_ARB_texture_env_combine    
        GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar    GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3       
        GL_ARB_texture_float           GL_ARB_texture_gather         
        GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_multisample    
        GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_tw GL_ARB_texture_query_lod      
        GL_ARB_texture_rectangle       GL_ARB_texture_rg             
        GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui      GL_ARB_texture_snorm          
        GL_ARB_timer_query             GL_ARB_transform_feedback2    
        GL_ARB_transform_feedback3     GL_ARB_transpose_matrix       
        GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object   GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra      
        GL_ARB_vertex_array_object     GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit    
        GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object    GL_ARB_vertex_program         
        GL_ARB_vertex_shader           GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_
        GL_ARB_viewport_array          GL_ARB_window_pos             
        GL_ATI_draw_buffers            GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap         
        GL_ATI_fragment_shader         GL_ATI_meminfo                
        GL_ATI_separate_stencil        GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc
        GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3    GL_ATI_texture_float          
        GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once     GL_EXT_abgr                   
        GL_EXT_bgra                    GL_EXT_bindable_uniform       
        GL_EXT_blend_color             GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate
        GL_EXT_blend_func_separate     GL_EXT_blend_minmax           
        GL_EXT_blend_subtract          GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array  
        GL_EXT_copy_buffer             GL_EXT_copy_texture           
        GL_EXT_direct_state_access     GL_EXT_draw_buffers2          
        GL_EXT_draw_instanced          GL_EXT_draw_range_elements    
        GL_EXT_fog_coord               GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit       
        GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object     
        GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB        GL_EXT_geometry_shader4       
        GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters  GL_EXT_gpu_shader4            
        GL_EXT_histogram               GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays      
        GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil    GL_EXT_packed_float           
        GL_EXT_packed_pixels           GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object    
        GL_EXT_point_parameters        GL_EXT_provoking_vertex       
        GL_EXT_rescale_normal          GL_EXT_secondary_color        
        GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store
        GL_EXT_shadow_funcs            GL_EXT_stencil_wrap           
        GL_EXT_subtexture              GL_EXT_texgen_reflection      
        GL_EXT_texture3D               GL_EXT_texture_array          
        GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object   GL_EXT_texture_compression_bpt
        GL_EXT_texture_compression_lat GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgt
        GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3t GL_EXT_texture_cube_map       
        GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp      GL_EXT_texture_env_add        
        GL_EXT_texture_env_combine     GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3       
        GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotro GL_EXT_texture_integer        
        GL_EXT_texture_lod             GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias       
        GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp    GL_EXT_texture_object         
        GL_EXT_texture_rectangle       GL_EXT_texture_sRGB           
        GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_snorm          
        GL_EXT_texture_swizzle         GL_EXT_timer_query            
        GL_EXT_transform_feedback      GL_EXT_vertex_array           
        GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra       GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit    
        GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KTX_buffer_region          
        GL_NV_blend_square             GL_NV_conditional_render      
        GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color      GL_NV_explicit_multisample    
        GL_NV_float_buffer             GL_NV_half_float              
        GL_NV_primitive_restart        GL_NV_texgen_reflection       
        GL_NV_texture_barrier          GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap       
        GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp     GL_SGIS_texture_lod           
        GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays       GL_WIN_swap_hint              
      Extensions (WGL):
        WGL_ARB_extensions_string      WGL_ARB_pixel_format          
        WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float     WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float    
        WGL_ARB_multisample            WGL_EXT_swap_control          
        WGL_ARB_pbuffer                WGL_ARB_render_texture        
        WGL_ARB_make_current_read      WGL_EXT_extensions_string     
        WGL_ARB_buffer_region          WGL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB      
        WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectang WGL_EXT_pixel_format_packed_fl
        WGL_I3D_genlock                WGL_NV_swap_group             
        WGL_ARB_create_context         WGL_AMD_gpu_association       
        WGL_AMDX_gpu_association       WGL_ARB_create_context_profile
    Initializing Render subsystem...
    Setting up platform state...
    I_InitJoystick: U
    FMOD Sound System (c) Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd., 1994-2012.
    Sfx_InitChannels: 16 channels.
    Music disabled.
    Initializing Resource subsystem...
    Initializing Binding subsystem...
    Initializing InFine subsystem...
    Initializing UI subsystem...
    Loading game resources...
      IWAD identification: 00f7df83
    Canvas: Gained focus.
    FI_Responder: Not initialized yet!
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb032.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb033.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb034.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb035.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb036.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb037.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb038.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb039.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb040.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb041.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb042.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb043.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb044.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb045.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb046.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb047.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb048.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb049.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb050.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb051.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb052.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb053.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb054.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb055.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb056.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb057.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb058.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb059.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb060.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb061.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb062.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb063.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb064.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb065.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb066.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb067.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb068.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb069.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb070.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb071.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb072.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb073.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb074.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb075.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb076.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb077.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb078.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb079.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb080.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb081.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb082.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb083.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb084.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb085.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb086.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb087.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb088.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb089.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb090.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\mapmask.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\menufog.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\m_thermm.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\pal18to8.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\sndcurve.lmp" already loaded.
    "data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\stcfn032.lmp" already loaded.
    Restoring original display mode due to shutdown.

    And this is when I click upon startup. Also, clicking upon startup doesn't do anything most of the time when it comes to the keyboard working. The keyboard isn't doing anthing in the menu no matter what button I push. Alright, I won't upgrade to any future unstable builds until this is resolved. Now I have to delete the frontend again and revert back to a previous build.
  • gary wrote:
    FI_Responder: Not initialized yet!
    That has been fixed for today's upcoming build.
  • What does it mean in specific terms? So with this fixed, the keyboard will once again respond like normal?
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