Frontend cannot load specified wads
Hello everyone and happy new year! 
I used doomsday engine long time ago and, for the sake of nostaliga, I wanted to play my ol' favorites once again (especially Hexen).
I have a problem using doomsday, but I think it is more of a frontend problem (snowberry). Game wads are kept in separate folder from installation so I had to specify wad locations myself in frontend program. However, upon launching, doomsday engine reports that wad files were not found for any game (all games have exclamation mark icon in console). If wads are put info doomsday/data/{game_folder}, doomsday start normally. Am I doing something wrong? Did I miss some step in frontend configuration?
Once again, thanks everyone involved in this project. It is amazing to see these old games in their new skins

I used doomsday engine long time ago and, for the sake of nostaliga, I wanted to play my ol' favorites once again (especially Hexen).
I have a problem using doomsday, but I think it is more of a frontend problem (snowberry). Game wads are kept in separate folder from installation so I had to specify wad locations myself in frontend program. However, upon launching, doomsday engine reports that wad files were not found for any game (all games have exclamation mark icon in console). If wads are put info doomsday/data/{game_folder}, doomsday start normally. Am I doing something wrong? Did I miss some step in frontend configuration?
Once again, thanks everyone involved in this project. It is amazing to see these old games in their new skins

I run doomsday engine with -v option and level 2 verbose messaging (under Settings/Developer in snowberry frontend). Here is mine Doomsday.out. WAD files that I have are for Doom, Final Doom: Plutonia and TNT, Doom2, Heretic, Hexen and Hexen DD.
I just wanted to say that Doomsday Engine version 1.9.8-1 works without any WAD loading problems. Problems with WAD are in version 1.9.10. That might help a bit...