1.9.10 Candidate Testing
The Candidate phase for 1.9.10 has started, with Monday's build 710 being the first candidate build. We have been busy doing numerous changes in the internals of the engine and therefore thought it would best to once again start a more formal candidate testing/feedback thread.
If you wish to participate in testing the candidates and helping us improve the upcoming stable release, please check the todo list and see if you can find something that is obviously broken when compared to our previous releases (particularly the previous stable version). You should post your findings here in this thread. Please do not resubmit bugs that already are in the SourceForge bug tracker; we'll get to those in time.
When reporting bugs/crashes, please include information about which OS you're using, which resource packs were loaded, and the game & map that you were playing. It's also very helpful if you include your doomsday.out log and run with the -v option for verbose log messages.
We are updating a to-do list of our tasks here: http://dengine.net/stable_to-do_list
Happy testing!
If you wish to participate in testing the candidates and helping us improve the upcoming stable release, please check the todo list and see if you can find something that is obviously broken when compared to our previous releases (particularly the previous stable version). You should post your findings here in this thread. Please do not resubmit bugs that already are in the SourceForge bug tracker; we'll get to those in time.
When reporting bugs/crashes, please include information about which OS you're using, which resource packs were loaded, and the game & map that you were playing. It's also very helpful if you include your doomsday.out log and run with the -v option for verbose log messages.
We are updating a to-do list of our tasks here: http://dengine.net/stable_to-do_list
Happy testing!

If you change resolutions and quit Doomsday, you'll get this message of "Application terminated due to exception - no RTTI data!" and it will screw up your desktop as well (the taskbar won't extend to fit the entire screen and you'll see a lot of black background.
Also, I've noticed a difference between my desktop and my laptop. On my laptop, when loading screens, I get a black background behind the "loading map" circle before the screen melt. On my desktop, I don't get this black background, it does the screen melt exactly as it does in Vanilla Doom. My video card in my laptop is an Intel Graphics Processor 3000 and my desktop video card is an ATI RADEON X700 (256MB, PCI-Express).
This sounds like an issue with your OpenGL drivers and/or the version of Qt we are using on Windows. The black background should be a screenshot of the screen right before the loading circle appears (like on your desktop). As such there isn't much we can do about it right now.
(At least it isn't crashing; in the past, when we were using our own OpenGL screen grabbing code, it was not uncommon for the engine to crash in this situation.)
When jHRP (packaged) 2009.07.03 is ON in addon list in Snowberry I have Dommsday crush.
When jHRP (packaged) 2009.07.03 is OFF in addon list in Snowberry I have all right..
Reinstall Dommsday/Addon wasn't effective.
The last ver. of Doomsday I used was Doomsday 1.9.9 Build507 - Jheretic worked normaly in it with jHRP (packaged) 2009.07.03 ON.
What did you name the map? Doomsday presently only supports maps named using either EXMY or MAPXX notation in Doom and Doom2 respectively.
I used ExMx and Mapxx names in my test.
build 700 - work
build 703 - work
build 707 - crush & I got the error message: GL-PreparelySysFlareTexture: Error, flare texture 0 not found!
build 710 - crush & the same error message
build 711 - crush & the same error message
build 712 - crush & the same error message
build 714 - crush & the same error message
But in build 703 there is another problem (only in Doom2 and in Final Doom: Plutonia Experiment) - ammo icon is realy BIG in HUD -) (screenshot is in attachment).
I made the test of builds from 700 to 714 for BIG ammo icon in HUD in Dooms:
build 700 - BIG ammo icon in ALL Dooms
build 703 - BIG ammo icon only in Doom2 and in Final Doom: Plutonia Experiment
build 707 - BIG ammo icon in Doom 2 & Final Dooms
build 710 - normal HUD
build 711 - normal HUD
build 712 - normal HUD
build 714 - normal HUD
So I need two buils for normal playng Doomsday -))) 703 for jHeretic & 714 for all others -)
Looking at your doomsday.out log it would appear you have a somewhat broken installation; missing files, files in the wrong location, etc...
I suggest you completely remove Doomsday (you may need to manually remove any remnants which might have been left behind after running the uninstaller) and then re-install a fresh copy.
Let us know how you get on.
Developers, thank you very much for answers & your work! I'll be waiting for new builds...
In Russian (and it is language of sensations and feelings) the same word can have different values not only from a finding in different parts of the sentens, but also from intonation and even mood.
And the majority of Russian words have the second, spiritual sense. For example:
"Thanks" in russian means "Спасибо" (Spasibo)
But in second sens Спасибо = Спаси (Spasi) Бог (Bog). Спаси means Save & Бог means God.
So Спасибо means Thanks and at the same time God save you..
But we often forget about second senses. And it's realy hard to learn Russian..
But it's offtopic.. My apologies to developers!
Thanks again for great work!
@malice2k: I'm glad today's build helped to resolve your issue - happy gaming.
Sound Drivers:
Fmodex: flawless
SDL mixer: No title music playback the rest is fine
OpenAL: No title music playback the rest is fine
Direct Sound: No music playback at all! Performance slowdown too!??
btsx_e1.wad: First stage where the first nukage pit Ive seen AASHITTY textures under the floor in front of me and other areas as well. Looks very out of place.
2002ad10.wad: Wrong map info!! E3M5 blood and guts finished instead says E3M3 stronghold of damnation finished. Next stage halls of ebola when it should be obituary written!
The direct sound bug is the weirdest one Ive had for awhile. My system uses Realtek AC97 Audio for a sound driver. It may has to do with being old.
http://www.dengine.net/forums/viewtopic ... 805&#p5805
To add something to this; the Fortress of Mystery's fade in animation is completely missing in Dday 1.9; it remains stuck on the first frame of the fade in.
EDIT: ok, the E3 blood splats were reported on Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/p/deng/bugs/982/
Maybe I am doing something wrong without realizing it, but unfortunetly, I'm still not having any luck at loading ExMx maps outside the original.
Since this is a video card driver issue, would DaniJ or skyjake need a laptop with this video card to address this bug, or is it something they'd be able to find in the code (probably brings back memories of the MIDBARS error on ATI cards, lol)?
If anyone else here has a laptop with an Intel video card, let me know if you run into this.
At some point this will be revised so that doing this manually is unnecessary.
I've not noticed significantly worse performance using Direct Sound. Can you provide more info?
Both fixed for tomorrow's upcoming build.
Fixed for tomorrow's upcoming build.
You're right, I'll see what the problem is...
Send me a msg via ICQ next time I'm on and we'll go through it.
That's the only reason I don't use a 16:10 resolution on my widescreen monitors, and I use 1024x768 or 1152x864 instead.
I'd say its unlikely at this stage (requires non-trivial changes). Until such time you can tweak their position manually with the cvars rend-hud-fov-shift and rend-hud-offset-scale.
They add defs for the weapon names, so the control menus for the games no longer list Doom's weapon names.
Also new 'death by X weapon in MP' defs for both games, so they no longer refer to Doom's weapons.
In Chex's case, I also removed an unused def from the ded; Chex has no Super Shotgun weapon, so no need for a pick up def for it.
On the attached screens:
Screen 1: We see spears with heads on'em. But jDoom Resource Pack (jDRP) 04/04/2007 is OFF.
Screen 2: Spears with heads on'em are invisible. And jDoom Resource Pack (jDRP) 04/04/2007 is ON.