Improved Eyefinity Support?
Hi all!
Decided to try get doom running in eyefinity and unlike most source ports this actually worked (kinda, it didn't crash at least!)
The launcher wouldn't let me set the res but I could select it in-game (6048x1200)
Only real problem is everything still seems zoomed in so to speak even with fov set at 179
Plus the control panel seems to stretch across all three monitors. (along with any in game pictures like title screen etc)
Everything else works fine however, normal hud is centered and no garbage either side of it.
Normal menus work fine and are centered.
Really impressed with just how close it came!
Is there any plans in the future to correct these minor issues (zoom is all that is needed) and make it playable or is it just too hard?
(It runs fine, locked at 125fps regardless of what I do, just a bit headache inducing trying to play zoomed in)
Or something that I'm missing? An aspect ratio setting or something for example? as 179 fov is way extreme even for eyefinity but kinda helped...
Thanks for your time anyway and thanks again for a great source port!
edit: Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section btw
Decided to try get doom running in eyefinity and unlike most source ports this actually worked (kinda, it didn't crash at least!)
The launcher wouldn't let me set the res but I could select it in-game (6048x1200)
Only real problem is everything still seems zoomed in so to speak even with fov set at 179
Plus the control panel seems to stretch across all three monitors. (along with any in game pictures like title screen etc)
Everything else works fine however, normal hud is centered and no garbage either side of it.
Normal menus work fine and are centered.
Really impressed with just how close it came!
Is there any plans in the future to correct these minor issues (zoom is all that is needed) and make it playable or is it just too hard?
(It runs fine, locked at 125fps regardless of what I do, just a bit headache inducing trying to play zoomed in)
Or something that I'm missing? An aspect ratio setting or something for example? as 179 fov is way extreme even for eyefinity but kinda helped...
Thanks for your time anyway and thanks again for a great source port!
edit: Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section btw

Though you'll have to wait for one of the devs to give the technical explanation why.
Just zoomed in a bit too far but other then that it looks awesome.
Played a couple of levels before I got a headache :-)
I was going to upload a couple of screenshots last night but I ran out of internet