Hexen not working
Despite it looking very simple to just click on HEXEN.WAD and have it work as well as Doom did, something's up. Doom works fine, after loading it, the game starts in the custom resolution with no problems. However, when I load Hexen, I see "Loading game resources", and then I'm taken to the console, which after showing some data above, presents me with a list of 8 games, all of which are apparently unplayable. 7 of these games I'm not surprised about I don't own/have them downloaded. But Ultimate Doom is also marked as not playable, when if I launch it externally, there's no problem. Attempting to run Doom from within the console also doesn't work. Whilst writing this I have noticed that I had ultimate Doom marked as regular Doom, but even after rectifying it, the problem still remains. Returning to the list, I notice that Hexen doesn't even exist on this list, whereas I'm shown a lot of games that I don't even own. So my main questions are, how do I get Hexen to run, and can someone PLEASE explain to me why the console is being so difficult?
I miss my old computer, this worked without a hitch on that haha

How are you launching Doomsday? Please provide the command line you used and/or your doomsday.out so we can begin to determine what the problem is.
Note that the list of playable games provided in the console is determined according to the game data files the engine itself has located or which you've specified on the command line. If you are launching Doomsday via the frontend then this list may not include all of your games. This is because the frontend only specifies the paths to the game data files for the game you asked to play.