Worth trying Hexen & Heretic?
I have always wanted to get around to given Heretic and HeXen ago, but as I never owned the games, nver got around to tracing a copy down. I have now noticed they are on Steam all as a Bundle
Heretic - Shadow of the Serpent Raiders
HeXen II
HeXen : Beyond Heretic
Hexen - Deathkings of the Dark Citadel
Not sure if I will like them as not a magic person, more of a Doom guy lol I do enjoy the older games much more.
I have heard bad and good things about them, so are they worth playing, Im guessing Yes, especially as I am posting here were people are Doom, HeXen and Heretic fans lol
Anyway, I presume I need to start with Heretic??
Also with the latest release Doomsday 1.9.8, will they play ok, or at least the first one to get me going for a while? Also should I add the mods from the Add-ons page or play Vanilla first?
I read something about patching them first, not sure if Steams version is patched or not etc
I have always wanted to get around to given Heretic and HeXen ago, but as I never owned the games, nver got around to tracing a copy down. I have now noticed they are on Steam all as a Bundle
Heretic - Shadow of the Serpent Raiders
HeXen II
HeXen : Beyond Heretic
Hexen - Deathkings of the Dark Citadel
Not sure if I will like them as not a magic person, more of a Doom guy lol I do enjoy the older games much more.
I have heard bad and good things about them, so are they worth playing, Im guessing Yes, especially as I am posting here were people are Doom, HeXen and Heretic fans lol
Anyway, I presume I need to start with Heretic??
Also with the latest release Doomsday 1.9.8, will they play ok, or at least the first one to get me going for a while? Also should I add the mods from the Add-ons page or play Vanilla first?
I read something about patching them first, not sure if Steams version is patched or not etc
