Some aspect ratio issue
So.. a 128 tall wall look higher than 128 wide wall looks wide. Here's a picture showing it:
Are there any plans on this? I guess it's now how Doom originally rendered stuff, but I think there should be an option to have same height as width look the same as the height.
Are there any plans on this? I guess it's now how Doom originally rendered stuff, but I think there should be an option to have same height as width look the same as the height.
In Doomsday we emulate the original aspect ratio by scaling the modelview matrix in effect when drawing the world (thereby "squashing" everything).
The pragmatic me suggests it would be substantially easier for you to scale your resources (as the original game authors did), rather than us try to implement a system whereby fragments of the world could be scaled differently.
Now I'll get back on working some textures
This is false, at least for the majority of textures in Doom. Take W103_2 for example, which's supposed to be a perfect circle, both the image's dimensions (128x128) and the circle painted on it are 1:1 (call it 4:3) , that means, had the aspect ratio of the target screen been taken into account, they would have squashed it down to approximately 128x106.
Anyways, given that I play JDoom at 640x400 with a CRT monitor, I need to disable JDoom's internal aspect ratio correction otherwise sprites look vertically stretched to hell. Is there a console command for this?
There is no cvar for disabling the aspect ratio correction. What is the pixel aspect of your monitor?
Again, how can you put a "square" pixel image (4:3) on a 320x200 (16:10) game that's going to be vertically stretched to 4:3 because of the monitor's hardware/timing and expect it to continue looking square in there? that's why I used W103_2 as an example, they drew the circle under a 4:3 resolution so it looks fine there, but put it back into a 320x200 vertically stretched resolution and it will look taller than wide. In other words, the monitor's vertically stretching something that's "already vertically stretched", if you see it from the standpoint of a pixel artist designing resources for a game like Doom.
Here's the problem in a nutshell: sprites have the right proportions for the target screen, textures don't.
Since I'm using 640x400 (double Doom's original res) on a CRT monitor (4:3, so everything get stretched to that unless you manually change the timing) the aspect ratio is exactly the same, thus JDoom's unnecessary correction makes monsters look abnormally tall.
What a shame it can't be disabled.
Doomsday assumes that you will NOT be using a non-square pixel aspect as that is the norm today.
How is it not true that the assets were designed with a non-square pixel aspect in mind? I think you are interpreting this incorrectly - see here: