lost all game profiles after playing hacx
Hey, so I was just having a good time playing some video games then I got the hacx wad and after I played it I lost all the doom game profiles except for hacx from the list. Is there a way to restore them? I don't suppose it would have deleted my saves, would it? That wouldn't be very exciting. I have engine 1.10 something because I can't use newer opengl.

It looks like it has to do with the 0-14 lines cause it looks like it only wanted to load hacx and nothing else.
Or maybe the part under
Where is config.sys? I don't see it in the dday folder.

It looks like it has to do with the 0-14 lines cause it looks like it only wanted to load hacx and nothing else.
Or maybe the part under
free memory available for DOOM to execute. Reconfigure your CONFIG.SYS
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 73 73
where it keeps failing... I dunno... 
Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.10.4 (Stable 32-bit #939) Jul 28 2013 09:02:44.
Command line (15 strings):
0: ..\Bin\Doomsday.exe
1: -basedir
2: C:\Program Files\Doomsday/
3: -sfxchan
4: 16
5: -notexcomp
6: -game
7: hacx
8: -iwad
9: C:\Users\stephen\Desktop\Wads\HACX.WAD
10: -wh
11: 640
12: 480
13: -userdir
14: C:\Users\stephen\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime/
Window::initialize: Using Qt window management.
Initializing plugins...
Library_New: Error opening "/bin/audio_openal.dll": [LoadError] (Library::Library) Cannot
load library C:\Program Files\
The specified module could not be
loadPlugin: Did not load "/bin/audio_openal.dll" ([LoadError] (Library::Library) Cannot
load library C:\Program Files\Doomsday\Bin\plugins\audio_openal.dll: The
specified module could not be found.).
(id:1) dehread
(id:2) doom
(id:3) heretic
(id:4) hexen
(id:5) wadmapconverter
Starting GuiApp event loop...
Display mode has changed.
Canvas: Gained focus.
OpenGL information:
Vendor: Intel
Renderer: Intel 965/963 Graphics Media Accelerator
Version: 2.0.0 - Build
Available Compressed Texture Formats: 6
Available Texture Units: 8
Maximum Texture Anisotropy: 2
Maximum Texture Size: 2048
Line Width Granularity: 0.5
Line Width Range: 0.0...7.5
GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract
GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_abgr
GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint
GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp
GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_EXT_rescale_normal
GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_func_separate
GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_fog_coord
GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_texture_env_add
GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays
GL_NV_blend_square GL_ARB_texture_compression
GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FX GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotro
GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_point_parameters
GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3t
GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_window_pos
GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_EXT_texture_rectangle
GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_EXT_stencil_two_side
GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_ARB_occlusion_query
GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_shader_objects
GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_tw
GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_NV_texgen_reflection
GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate
GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_texture_rectangle
GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
Extensions (WGL):
WGL_ARB_buffer_region WGL_ARB_extensions_string
WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_pixel_format
WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_EXT_extensions_string
Initializing Render subsystem...
Setting up platform state...
FMOD Sound System (c) Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd., 1994-2013.
Audio configuration (by decreasing priority):
Music: FMOD/Ext
Sfx_InitChannels: 16 channels.
Initializing Resource subsystem...
Initializing Texture subsystem...
Initializing Material subsystem...
Initializing Binding subsystem...
Initializing InFine subsystem...
Initializing UI subsystem...
Locating "HACX - Twitch 'n Kill"...
Locating "Chex(R) Quest"...
Locating "Final DOOM: TNT: Evilution"...
Locating "Final DOOM: The Plutonia Experiment"...
Locating "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth"...
Locating "Ultimate DOOM"...
Locating "DOOM Registered"...
Locating "DOOM Shareware"...
Locating "Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders"...
Locating "Heretic Registered"...
Locating "Heretic Shareware"...
Locating "Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel"...
Locating "Hexen"...
Locating "Hexen v1.0"...
Locating "Hexen 4-map Demo"...
Locating "Hexen 4-map Beta Demo"...
Loading game resources...
IWAD identification: 014a2e79
loadCompositeTextureDefs: Loaded all 523 texture definitions from "%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\
R_InitCompositeTextures: Done in 1.5 seconds.
R_InitFlatTetxures: Done in 0.021 seconds.
R_InitSpriteTextures: Completed in 1.3 seconds.
Parsing primary config "configs\hacx\game.cfg"...
Parsing definition files...
readAllDefinitions: Completed in 0.097 seconds.
Applying DeHackEd patch lump #52 "C:\Users\stephen\Desktop\Wads\HACX.WAD:DEHACKED.deh"...
DehReader: Patch version: 6 Doom version: 21
NoText: false
^ : [Cheat] patches are not supported.
^ > parseText: Failed to determine source for:
Text 72 72
free memory available for DOOM to execute. Reconfigure your CONFIG.SYS
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 73 73
creating a custom boot menu item in your CONFIG.SYS for optimum DOOMing.
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 53 53
information on how to free up more memory for DOOM.
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 14 14
DOOM aborted.
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 9 10
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 10 11
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 9 8
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 8 11
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 20 20
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 19 19
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 20 20
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 45 45
CD-ROM Version: default.cfg from c:\doomdata
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 11 11
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 23 23
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 21 20
commercial version.
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 35 34
R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon -
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 25 25
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 13 13
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 47 47
Different DOOM versions cannot play a net game!
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 23 23
Doomcom buffer invalid!
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 25 25
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 13 13
^ : Failed to determine source for:
Text 10 10
30 animation groups
6 composite fonts
11 finales
7 lights
23 map infos
11 materials
3 skies
36 songs
110 sound effects
138 sprite names
974 states
11 surface decorations
391 text strings
4 texture environments
141 things
buildSprites: Done in 0.053 seconds.
R_InitSprites: Done in 0.054 seconds.
Models_Init: Done in 0 seconds.
Failed locating image resource for "Particle00".
HACX - Twitch 'n Kill
Loading Map "MAP01"...
WadMapConverter: Recognized a Doom format map.
Building BSP using tunable split factor of 7...
BSP built: (22:36) 1530 Nodes, 1531 Leafs, 7777 HEdges, 817 Vertexes.
BSP built in 3.09 seconds.
P_PtcInitForMap: Done in 0 seconds.
Player starting spots:
- pl0: color 0, spot 0
You grab a Kevlar vest!
Grabbed some rounds
Map 1: GenEmp Corp.
Author: Banjo Software
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
You got a Tazer!!
Grabbed some rounds
You need a KeyCard to access this item!
Loading Map "MAP01"...
WadMapConverter: Recognized a Doom format map.
Building BSP using tunable split factor of 7...
BSP built: (22:36) 1530 Nodes, 1531 Leafs, 7777 HEdges, 817 Vertexes.
BSP built in 2.77 seconds.
P_PtcInitForMap: Done in 0 seconds.
Player starting spots:
- pl0: color 0, spot 0
You grab a Kevlar vest!
Grabbed some rounds
Map 1: GenEmp Corp.
Author: Banjo Software
You got a Tazer!!
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
You grab a Hypo!
Grabbed a case of rounds!
You found a KeyCard!
SI Array mapping!
Grabbed a case of rounds!
You grab a Kevlar vest!
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
Loading Map "MAP01"...
WadMapConverter: Recognized a Doom format map.
Building BSP using tunable split factor of 7...
BSP built: (22:36) 1530 Nodes, 1531 Leafs, 7777 HEdges, 817 Vertexes.
BSP built in 2.75 seconds.
P_PtcInitForMap: Done in 0 seconds.
Player starting spots:
- pl0: color 0, spot 0
You grab a Kevlar vest!
Grabbed some rounds
Map 1: GenEmp Corp.
Author: Banjo Software
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
You grab a Hypo!
Grabbed a case of rounds!
You found a KeyCard!
SI Array mapping!
You grab a Kevlar vest!
Grabbed a case of rounds!
You got a Tazer!!
Grabbed some rounds
Loading Map "MAP01"...
WadMapConverter: Recognized a Doom format map.
Building BSP using tunable split factor of 7...
BSP built: (22:36) 1530 Nodes, 1531 Leafs, 7777 HEdges, 817 Vertexes.
BSP built in 2.83 seconds.
P_PtcInitForMap: Done in 0 seconds.
Player starting spots:
- pl0: color 0, spot 0
You grab a Kevlar vest!
Grabbed some rounds
Map 1: GenEmp Corp.
Author: Banjo Software
Loading Map "MAP01"...
WadMapConverter: Recognized a Doom format map.
Building BSP using tunable split factor of 7...
BSP built: (22:36) 1530 Nodes, 1531 Leafs, 7777 HEdges, 817 Vertexes.
BSP built in 2.86 seconds.
P_PtcInitForMap: Done in 0 seconds.
Player starting spots:
- pl0: color 0, spot 0
Grabbed a case of rounds!
You grab a Kevlar vest!
Map 1: GenEmp Corp.
Author: Banjo Software
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed a case of rounds!
You found a KeyCard!
SI Array mapping!
Grabbed some rounds
Force Field!
Grabbed some rounds
You got a Tazer!!
Grabbed some Cartridges!
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed a case of Cartridges!
Grabbed a case of Cartridges!
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
You grab a Hypo!
You grab a Kevlar vest!
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
You grab a MicroKit!
You've found a secret area!
You grab a Hypo!
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
You grab a Hypo!
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed a case of Cartridges!
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
You've found a secret area!
You grab a Hypo!
You grab a Dampener!
You found a Password!
You've found a secret area!
Grabbed a Valise stuffed w/goods!
You grab a Kevlar vest!
Grabbed a case of rounds!
Grabbed a case of Cartridges!
Grabbed a case of Cartridges!
Loading Map "MAP01"...
WadMapConverter: Recognized a Doom format map.
Building BSP using tunable split factor of 7...
BSP built: (22:36) 1530 Nodes, 1531 Leafs, 7777 HEdges, 817 Vertexes.
BSP built in 2.79 seconds.
P_PtcInitForMap: Done in 0 seconds.
Player starting spots:
- pl0: color 0, spot 0
Grabbed a case of rounds!
You grab a Kevlar vest!
Map 1: GenEmp Corp.
Author: Banjo Software
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed a case of rounds!
You found a KeyCard!
SI Array mapping!
Grabbed some rounds
Force Field!
You grab a Hypo!
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed some rounds
You got a Tazer!!
Grabbed some rounds
Grabbed a case of Cartridges!
Grabbed a case of Cartridges!
Grabbed some rounds
You've found a secret area!
Grabbed a Valise stuffed w/goods!
You grab a Kevlar vest!
Grabbed a case of rounds!
Grabbed a case of Cartridges!
Grabbed a case of Cartridges!
Grabbed some rounds
You grab a Hypo!
You grab a Kevlar vest!
You grab a Hypo!
Grabbed a case of Cartridges!
You grab a MicroKit!
You've found a secret area!
You grab a Hypo!
You grab a Hypo!
You've found a secret area!
You grab a Dampener!
You found a Password!
Game saved.
Force Field!
You grab a Dampener!
You got a Tazer!!
You grab a Dampener!
Grabbed a case of Cartridges!
Grabbed a case of Cartridges!
You grab a Hypo!
You grab a Hypo!
Breath deep, Inhaler!
You grab a Kevlar vest!
Breath deep, Inhaler!
You grab a MicroKit!
You grab a MicroKit!
You grab a MicroKit!
You got a Tazer!!
You grab Super Kevlar vest!
You got a Tazer!!
You grab a Dampener!
You grab a MicroKit!
You grab a MicroKit!
You grab a Dampener!
You grab a MicroKit!
You grab a Dampener!
You grab a MicroKit!
You grab a Dampener!
You grab a MicroKit!
You grab a Dampener!
You grab a MicroKit!
You grab a Dampener!
Stopping GuiApp event loop
GuiApp event loop exited with code 0
Shutting down the console...
Z_Shutdown: Used 1 volumes, total 33554432 bytes.
Restoring original display mode due to shutdown.
Canvas: Lost focus.
Stopping GuiApp event loop
In the frontend, try right-clicking on the list of profiles and select "Show...". A dialog should open allowing you to show any hidden game profiles.