keyboard problems
Just usual as sometimes but I have no idea how to get rid of it.
I managed to narrow the problem to a only doom games. Heretic and Hexen responds keyboards normally when I start the game.
It happened yesterday when I was playing cyberdreams maps and perhaps then you pushed new updates for unstable build and my game playing interfered for a second. Meanwhile for some reason firefox started playing one youtubevideo even if it was paused and I was all the time playing cyberdreams levels, so I alt tabbed and paused it again and soon after that my doomlib games are exploded and it responds only one button press after start, so I can't start a new game or anything, just doomed to watch the mainmeny forever.
I removed doomsday via windows 8.1 remove-programs utility, and installed again but no go. Hexen and heretic games works however which is weird so what would have happened to doomlib games, and how to make sure everything is completely removed and snowberry's logs and options removed when I do so as snowberry still seems to keep it's properties when I install doomsday again which is weird? And you would consider pushing the new updated versions more smoothly than interfering gameplay causing the whole thing to explode and corrupt, it's nonsense at its best.
I managed to narrow the problem to a only doom games. Heretic and Hexen responds keyboards normally when I start the game.
It happened yesterday when I was playing cyberdreams maps and perhaps then you pushed new updates for unstable build and my game playing interfered for a second. Meanwhile for some reason firefox started playing one youtubevideo even if it was paused and I was all the time playing cyberdreams levels, so I alt tabbed and paused it again and soon after that my doomlib games are exploded and it responds only one button press after start, so I can't start a new game or anything, just doomed to watch the mainmeny forever.
I removed doomsday via windows 8.1 remove-programs utility, and installed again but no go. Hexen and heretic games works however which is weird so what would have happened to doomlib games, and how to make sure everything is completely removed and snowberry's logs and options removed when I do so as snowberry still seems to keep it's properties when I install doomsday again which is weird? And you would consider pushing the new updated versions more smoothly than interfering gameplay causing the whole thing to explode and corrupt, it's nonsense at its best.

Given that Heretic and HeXen still work, it's possible you've accidently corrupted your Doom configs.
Do I just delete this on manually?
That said, there are separate configs for Snowberry and each game, so you don't have to delete all the configs, only the Doom ones, if Doom is the only game giving you issue.
Doomsday itself, places your config files in the Doomsday folder by default.
The Snowberry launcher (a separate program to Doomsday itself) by default overrules this and stores all configs in the documents folder.
It now finally works. Somehow the doom configs got corrupted, perhaps by the reasons mentioned above.