doomsday.exe error opening .mid

edited 2015 Sep 11 in Technical Support
I'm using version 1.15.2 in Windows 10 Pro x64 to add my Doom and Hexen games from Steam. When playing the games from the Snowberry front end, everything works fine, including midi music.

I'm trying to launch the games directly through shortcuts using the doomsday.exe program, copying the switches in the Command Line Preview for each game. For example, here's my Doom II entry
C:\Program Files (x86)\Doomsday\bin\doomsday.exe -basedir "C:\Program Files (x86)\Doomsday" -dsound -sfxchan 256 -fullscreen -notexcomp -game doom2 -iwad "D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Doom 2\base\DOOM2.WAD"

This time the game runs, but there's no music and I get this error:
Failed opening output file 'dd-buffered-song0.mid'

This happens with all games, throwing up the same error or maybe song1 as well. Are there any switches missing from my shortcuts to get midi music working?

(I've read the note about including the log file but, being new to this, I'm not sure where it is or if I have to tell it save one.)


  • SamStoat wrote:
    Are there any switches missing from my shortcuts to get midi music working?
    (I've read the note about including the log file but, being new to this, I'm not sure where it is or if I have to tell it save one.)
    You could try adding the -userdir option. It tells Doomsday where to put all the runtime files, like doomsday.out, savegames, configs, the converted MIDI music files, etc. For instance:
    -userdir c:\Users\{username}\Doomsday
    (replace {username} with your Windows username)
  • Totally forgot I'd written this post and just remembered to check for a reply!

    @skylake - The -userdir thing worked. Many thanks.
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