Monster projectiles

edited 2014 Jan 28 in DOOM
i was wondering on what the monster projectiles would resemble? ie a colored smoke cloud ect. what are your guys thoughts on this?


  • According to the manuals, the Imp and Mancubus throw balls of fire and pump out fireballs respectively.

    The Cacodemon is declared to belch balls of lightning.

    The Revenant and Cyber Demon are declared to fire missiles with the former being explicitly compared to the players missiles and the later, as we know, looking identical to the players rockets in game. In short both bad guys fire rockets.

    The Aracnotron is declared to fire plasma with the manual description also declaring that it's unfair that your not the only guy in Hell with a Plasma Gun.

    The Arch Vile's attack is called a spell in the manual, obviously a fire based one.

    The Barron and Hell Knights projectiles are given no description in the manual. The community have described them as hell fire, fireballs, plasma, slime balls and probably a bunch of other things over the years.
  • I guess the other monsters fires "bullets or pellets"?

    The bullets seem to have a range limit but I don't think any of the other monster weapons have range limit?

    Range does seem to affect some of the player's weapons like the BFG 9000 which seems to be much more effective up close than far away and I am not sure if player fired rockets are more effective close in or not but I know if you get to close they will end the game in a hurry since they will kill the player.
  • #------------------------------------------------------------------
    ModelPath "data\jdoom\Models\Projectiles\BaronFireball"
    Model {
      State = "BRBALL1"
      Scale = 0
      Skin tics = 2
      Flags = brightshadow2 | movpitch | fullbright
          File = "baron_m.dmd"
          Frame = "0"
          Skin range = 8
    Copy Model {
      State = "BRBALL1"
      Inter = 0.33
       Frame = "1"
    Copy Model {
      Inter = 0.66
      State = "BRBALL1"
       Frame = "2"
    Copy Model {
      State = "BRBALL2"
      Inter = 0
       Frame = "3"
    Copy Model {
      Inter = 0.33
      State = "BRBALL2"
       Frame = "4"
    Copy Model {
      Inter = 0.66
      State = "BRBALL2"
       Frame = "5"
    Model {
      State = "BRBALLX1"
      Scale = 0.2
      Flags = noz | alignpitch | brightshadow2 | alignyaw | fullbright
          File = "baron_e.dmd"
          Frame = "0"
    Copy Model {
      State = "BRBALLX1"
      Inter = 0.5
       Frame = "1"
          Skin = 1
    Copy Model {
      State = "BRBALLX2"
      Inter = 0
       Frame = "2"
          Skin = 2
    Copy Model {
      State = "BRBALLX2"
      Inter = 0.33
       Frame = "3"
          Skin = 3
    Copy Model {
      State = "BRBALLX2"
      Inter = 0.66
       Frame = "4"
          Skin = 4
    Copy Model {
      State = "BRBALLX3"
      Inter = 0
       Frame = "5"
          Skin = 5
    Copy Model {
      State = "BRBALLX3"
      Inter = 0.33
       Frame = "6"
          Skin = 6
    Copy Model {
      State = "BRBALLX3"
      Inter = 0.66
       Frame = "7"
          Skin = 7
      State = "BRBALL1"
      X Offset = 4.5
      Y Offset = 6.5
      Size = .6
      Color { .1 .9 .1}
      State = "BRBALL2"
      X Offset = 4.5
      Y Offset = 6.5
      Size = .6
      Color { .1 .9 .1}
      State = "BRBALLX1"
      Flags = nohalo
      X Offset = 0
      Y Offset = 0
      Size = .8
      Color { .1 .9 .1}
      State = "BRBALLX2"
      Flags = nohalo
      X Offset = 0
      Y Offset = 0
      Size = .6
      Color { .1 .9 .1}
      State = "BRBALLX3"
      Flags = nohalo
      X Offset = 0
      Y Offset = 0
      Size = .2
      Color { .1 .9 .1}
    Generator {
      State = "BRBALL1";
      Flags = srcvel | srcdir | blend
      Center { 4 0 0 }
      Speed = -1
      Speed rnd = 0.2
      Spawn radius = 2
      Spawn age = 10
      Max age = -1
      Particles = 3000
      Spawn rate = 20
      Vector rnd = 3
      Stage {
       Type = "pt_tex04";
       Flags = "ptf_bright";
       Tics = 1;
       Radius = 6;
       Resistance = .1;
       Color { 0.35 0.5 0.2 0.5 };
      Stage {
       Type = "pt_tex04";
       Flags = "ptf_bright";
       Tics = 1;
       Radius = 5;
       Resistance = .1;
       Color { 0.35 0.5 0.2 0.5 };
      Stage {
       Type = "pt_tex04";
       Flags = "ptf_bright";
       Tics = 1;
       Radius = 4;
       Resistance = .1;
       Color { 0.35 0.5 0.2 0.5 };
      Stage {
       Type = "pt_tex04";
       Flags = "ptf_bright";
       Tics = 1;
       Radius = 3;
       Resistance = .1;
       Color { 0.35 0.5 0.2 0.5 };
      Stage {
       Type = "pt_tex04";
       Flags = "ptf_bright";
       Tics = 1;
       Radius = 2;
       Resistance = .1;
       Color { 0.35 0.5 0.2 0.5 };
      Stage {
       Type = "pt_tex04";
       Flags = "ptf_bright";
       Tics = 1;
       Radius = 1;
       Resistance = .1;
       Color { 0.35 0.5 0.2 0.5 };
    tell me what you all think of this? this is the brusershot no explosion yet.
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