Hi. I run the requiem.wad smoothly When I get to map6 I think the name of map is crusher I receive the notice segmentation violation and I paste these Application path:
\DOOMSDAY ENGINE\bin\Doomsday.exe
Version: 2.3.1 (stable build 3685)
Created a new 32.0 MB memory volume.
[Config::read] modules/Config matches version [ 2, 3, 1, 3685 ]
Using user-selected package folder (including subfolders): (basedir)\IWADS
Using user-selected package folder (including subfolders): (basedir)\DOOM ADDONS
Using user-selected package folder (including subfolders): (basedir)\PWADS
Using user-selected package folder (including subfolders): (basedir)\ADDONS
Waited for 1.354 seconds for file system to be ready
Executable: Doomsday Engine 2.3.1 (Stable 64-bit #3685) Feb 4 2021 15:01:36
Command line options:
\DOOMSDAY ENGINE\bin\Doomsday.exe
[RenderSystem > PackageLoader] Loading shader definitions from archive entry "renderer.pack/
shaders.dei" from archive in "(base